Forum Post: Time for an Article V Constitutional Convention
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 8:13 a.m. EST by granulorhoek
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I wonder if critical mass has been reached in enough states to call for a constitutional convention to submit proposals for amendments. That is the process in place to effect the changes needed to treat our sick system. Are there any plans to pressure state representatives for a referendum vote to call for a convention?
And that's probably why this movement will slowly fade away. Has anyone thought of reaching across the political divide to boost numbers? I'm sure that some of the Tea Party people would sign off on petitions for referendum votes, as they have some of their own ideas they'd like to present. So what if there aren't enough votes to pass? It's not enough to say that the process doesn't work; you have to demonstrate that it doesn't.
Golden Rule:
He who has the gold makes the rules.
It would be a disaster.
We need to press for real campaign finance reform.
With unemployment sky-high, particularly among our youngest segment of the working population, the Karl Roves and Grover Norquists have found great lucrative jobs. Money pours in from the Koch brothers.
Clean up the system by rising up across this nation. Everyone needs to write, call, and press in every way possible for campaign finance reform.
Attend town hall meetings. Ask hard questions. Make them sweat.
This will not end till there is change.
This will never happen in our lifetimes. Convening an Article V Convention would require the prior approval of 34 State Legislatures. That would require at least a 2/3 majority vote in each approving state. The corporations own too many of our politicians for that to ever occur.
Even if a constitutional convention met and voted on changes, it then has to be approved by 2/3 of the state legislatures.
dont ever dream of 2/3 when all of them are in the same Aipac clutches.