Forum Post: Time and Time Again
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 9:17 a.m. EST by JesseHeffran
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We, the happily poor, don't need your market forces. We subvert your market principles for our causes, and when you lose your magical hand of the market, we will happily write a new econobooklet. Frankly, you need our disposable incomes more than we need your isms. We are the innovators; you are the imitators. We survive with less; you get by at best. We understand what is important, you chase what is impotent. Once you realize this, you will see that you are our slaves because we see you as nothing more than knaves. You work hard and receive no gratitude, we work smart and have impeccable attitude. The Reagan Revolution is Chaos Theory in motion; we have hit the point of bifurcation. You can turn back the hands of time still; after all, we all have free will.