Forum Post: Tiananmen Tank Man was disobeying lawful orders and should have been shot
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 25, 2011, 12:19 p.m. EST by darrenlobo
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I don’t understand American admiration of the lone man who stood in the path of a tank in the Tiananmen Square incident in 1989 – that is, unless you are a police-hating American. If you are an American who hates, dislikes, or mistrusts police or outright advocates the abolition of government police, then certainly I can understand why the famous image of a lone man standing against uniformed authority would be an inspirational one.
Read thew rest at:
Why should he have been shot? He was posing no threat. What are your arguments to support your claim. In my opinion, the worst that should/could have happened is that he should/could have been arrested and faced a fair court trial for obstructing justice.
Why do you believe people peacefully resisting arrest should be shot? Let's have a serious debate without insults or logical fallacies. I'm truly interested in your arguments.
yeah, me too
I don't think they should be shot. You're misunderstanding the point of the article.
What is/are your argument(s) to support this statement?
The saying I like most is "What Goes Around Comes Around"
Um, folks try reading the article in question before you comment.....
I stopped after the title of this post because the argument is seriously flawed in my opinion. When the OP provides counter-arguments to back up his claim that the "Tianamen Tank Man" should have been shot, then I'll debate the issue with him. If he provides strong counter-arguments and convinces me, then I'll read the rest of the article. There are so many posts on this site, I don't have time to read them all. I weed a lot out by the title alone.
The title is sensational to make a point. The author (who is not me) is on the "tank man's" side. Mao always said, "read the article before commenting on it". :-)
Mao didn't have the Internet with a zillion articles at his disposal, much of them crappy. In this day and age, you got to be your own editor. ;-) OK, I'll read the article
And, I didn't comment on the article. I commented on your title.