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Forum Post: Throughout history mankind has struggled with the responsibility of fairness and equality.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 11:23 a.m. EST by kyle4nia (48)
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Throughout history mankind has struggled with the responsibility of fairness and equality. The sons of kings were awarded a kingdom simply through genetic gambling rather than for their governing skills. If at any time the skill of appeasing the masses was lost, a revolt would establish a new system, often similar to the former. This form of slavery has evolved into the current system where political powers dangle freedom just out of reach in order to have control of our attention. Each time a kingdom falls, however, it exposes the weakness of that system, empowering more individuals to believe that we can have a free and just society without oppressive control. The powerful underestimate our resolve, for they act as the sons of kings. For we have won every war that has ended. We love peace, fairness, and equality. We are more in numbers than those sons of kings. As this kingdom falls let us not allow another grab for power. Let us preserve freedom for all those who seek it. Let us be a shining beacon of peace, freedom, and equality. Let us greet all that seek the light of liberty with the patience and understanding we usually reserve for family and friends. We are everywhere.



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