Forum Post: Three Simple Possible Solutions
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 12:32 a.m. EST by Spritof11Change
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1 Stop day trading
-Buying and selling a stock under a second is not investing.
-Change the law so that if you buy a stock you should hold it for 1 quarter. Make your money on the dividends. This will also give the company a chance to succeed with your investment.
-Giving up some liquidity is better than the corruption that is there now; it will also help slow and stabilize the market.
-Day trading is especially unfair when some companies get information a half a second of others.
- If you like day trading, go to a casino. But a casino is no way to run our economic system.
2 Stop commodity speculators -Flipping socks, property or commodities creates inflation for everyone.
-Buying and selling in hrs without investing a direct product or service in it devalues everyone’s buying power.
3 End hedge funds -buying short has become abused and should be ended. -playing elaborate computer games has made the market a casino.
-Giving up some liquidity will make the market more stable and honest.
Corporate Free Speech There needs to be better corporate representation. Money is speech. Every individual, even individual stockholders, "ownership," has a right to free speech. Free speech means no one can force or prevent an individual's speech. Ownership has the right to direct the corporation's speech and political contributions. Majority control of contributions may violate an individual's free speech. Corporate management can speech for the corporation, but ownership needs to authorize that speech. No speech or money spent on political contributions may be made without ownership authorization and such contributions must be taken from the individual's dividends. No dividends means there is no allowance for contributions. Corporate management must poll the ownership to determine the amount and placement of all individual stockholder directed contributions. The assignment of all corporate contributions must be made public so that ownership can verify the correct placement of their contributions. Management can not make contributions on the behalf of nonresponsive ownership and thus can only make contributions for which they have been directly authorized.
Money is speech. Corporations are people, because people get the money. Free speech means people are not forced to pay for someone else's speech. Corporations may not force to pay or deny dividends, to a person who does not approve of money spent on speech. Corporations may only spend money on speech that is taken, by approval, from the people who get the money. Every person who gets money, from the corporation, must approve the money spent on speech, in order to protect the right to free speech. Since the money spent on speech is identifiable with a person then that money is subject to caps associated with that person and must be reported. Also, tax consequences flow, to each person, for tax exempt contributions. If the corporation feels that the cost of polling and reporting the money spent on speech is prohibitive, then the corporation is prohibited from spending on speech. Corporations spend money on product ads and any political placement in a product ad must have unanimous consent of ownership.
I dunno enough about hedge funds to agree there, but I believe buying short can have legitimate economic purposes, although I guess the potential for limitless loss eventually do be shouldered by taxpayers is frightening. Everything else, I agree, but I think it is just a start
Hi Sprit, Good post.
Best Regards, Nevada
I would like to add one more to your list if I may.
Can't you guys think big ? All these are pennies, it doesn't make any difference. The rich are looting this country. Tax their greed and every other problem will reduce by itself.
You know I read an interesting piece the other day by a renowned historical economist. In short this is what he said:
In the 1930's the government tried to tax the largest richest corporations in order to pay for it's projects. All those corporations did was move their money overseas, resulting in LESS money being in the USA. When those regulations were lifted those same corporations actually brought money BACK into the country driving DOWN unemployment and making everyone richer. Now just think about the technology now days, how easy it is to transfer money electronically to any destination in the world. Then think of what would happen if businesses were forced from the USA by higher tax rates.
That is a summery of what I read. I am not against closing tax loopholes or even making executives and corporations pay their fair share, but it has to be done in such a manner that the corporations don't just up and leave the USA.
I will give you one more hard fact. The Republican party using the same grand idea reduced the taxes for the wealthy in this country from 70% in 1980s to 33% today. Look at the state of our economy today. Look at the raking of USA in each and every field. The proof is in the pudding, what more proof do you need ?
I would say tax the corporations at 0%, it doesn't matter. The tax corporations pay, are actually straight passed onto customers by the corporations. It is the owners and majority shareholders we should be after. It is they who take home all the profits from a corporation. As far as your fear that rich people can go overseas, I would say let those greedy bastards go away. This country is not built by some rich man's money. It was built and it will be built by the sweat and love of hard working middle class. My friend, most of the developed countries tax their wealthy citizens at higher rates than USA. As long as rich people are US citizens, no matter where they live, they still have to pay taxes to US govt.
those are not real solutions, they are control mechanistic nightmares. neat ideas in the priority zone of say priority 200 or so.
I have an idea to bring reduce inequality in this country while being fair to all people. Step 1: Tax all income above poverty line(middle class and rich) at 95%. So it's a fair tax for everybody. Step 2: The government will refund each tax payer equal amount of money just about necessary to lead a healthy and happy life. Everybody gets the same amount of money. So it's fair. Step 3: The rest of money remaining with the government can be distributed to our country's poor and world's poor in that order respectively.
As you noticed, it's fair treatment for all. We are not asking rich to pay more tax than the middle class here. ;)
thats clearly not a solution, its a control freak out.
littleg you are joking, right?
I wouldn't waste my energy on so many words to say a joke. What's wrong with my fair treatment of all idea ?
Because, I busted my ass throughout highschool so that I could get a scholarship to go to college. In college, instead of studying Russian Lit (my true passion) I duel majored in economics and business. I busted my ass through college to get hired by a Fortune 100 company, which I busted my ass working for, and in turn the company saw such value in me that it paid for my masters. Now I make a very comfortable salary, which I earned through my own sweat and unfaltering determination. I continue to bust my ass so that myself and my employees can continue to succeed. Why should I be forced to take the vast majority of my salary and give it to anyone else? I earned this through decades of ceaseless work and effort. Who else (other than me) has any right to it?
There are millions of people who have worked/work harder than you and still lead a pathetic life. That's why. People like you who believe that you are superior just because you have a degree or you have worked hard to your best, will never understand equality. You fear of failure in your future, so you want money. You are just a slave of your desires, your corporation and so on. You don't know the experience of true freedom. I pity people like you. God bless!
Fear of failure, are you kidding me? I could retire now and be comfortable for life. And I do feel compassion for those who have tried and failed at living a successful life. That's why I give to charity. I just do not understand how it could possibly be right for the government to take this hard-earned money and distribute it. It is MY property! I earned it.
Let's say the property you own currently. Is it really yours ?
Yep. I lived frugally, and was able to pay off my mortgage and my car loans. I never once received a single dollar from any government, and earned every penny through hard work. The only way anyone can now take my property away from me is through force. But thankfully I live in a gated community with security. And I am an armed citizen.
Those who keep arms are really afraid lot.