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Forum Post: Three proposed constitutional amendments

Posted 12 years ago on Aug. 10, 2012, 2:28 p.m. EST by NoGoodTreason (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I propose three Amendments to our constitution in pursuit of a more perfect union:

AMENDMENT XXVIII Remove legislative authority from congress. Balancing the budget is the main job of congress. It MUST be balanced and on time or those voting against it or abstaining are fired and interim replacements appointed by a comittee of the offending member's political opponents. Their power to tax, declare war, conduct congressional investigations, and impeach the president etc is unchanged. The power to mint currency is returned to congress and the Federal Reserve Bank is dissolved. Interest rates are determined by markets.

AMENDMENT XXIX Anyone can write a bill. All bill must be no more than two 8.5"x11" pages long, single spaced, 12 pt font, Helvetica or Arial font with standard 1" margins. Bills are vetted by signed public petition. Every January 1st and June 1st the six bills with the most signatures are compiled and publicly disseminated by the secretary of state no later than Jan 4th and June 4th. Signature counts on all other bills are nullified and reset to 0. February 4th is a national holiday "Democracy Day." Every Democracy Day and Independence Day the people vote on the six bills locked in the previous month. We've all had at least 30 days to read up to 24 pages of raw legislation which is plenty of time to inform ourselves. No law passes without the informed consent of the people. Lobbying for legislation requires bribing 300 million citizens rather than their 535 house and senate members. We pass or reject 12 laws per year. Lobbyists lose most of their influence.

AMENDMENT XXX All state and federal non-constitutional statute and common law (including executive orders, tax code, government code, passed or established after September 17, 1787 is rendered null and void. This country started with no laws except the constitution then and we can do it again. This time we'll do it right though.

I'd appreciate your feedback.

www.NoGoodTreason.net info@NoGoodTreason.net @NoGoodTreason



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[-] 2 points by TitusMoans (2451) from Boulder City, NV 12 years ago

Apparently, you would want to remove amendments to the Constitution made after 9/17.1787, which would disenfranchise all but white, propertied males. I don't believe that would work.

Instead of trying to fix what's so badly broken, I wonder, wouldn't we be better off starting anew.

[-] 0 points by NoGoodTreason (1) 12 years ago

No. "All state and federal non-constitutional statute and common law... established after September 17, 1787 is rendered null and void." People of color are protected under XV, Women under XIX, property restrictions have been eliminated in state constitutions.

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

that would also repeal even more regulations from Wall Street allowing them to do whatever they want

it also repeals laws against predatory lending

it also repeals many other needed laws in society like anti-discrimination laws

I think a better idea is to just pinpoint problematic laws - the failed war on drugs for example - and just speak out against those.

[-] 0 points by NoGoodTreason (1) 12 years ago

Yes everything would be suddenly deregulated if these amendments happened. There might be a bit of lawlessness for a time as we make new laws and adjust to modern times again. Some bad things might happen in the interim but that's fine because it would allow the 300 million newly appointed American legislators to write their own solutions rather than crossing our fingers that our recently fired representatives did a good enough job. Wallstreet is effectively unregulated as it is; despite tons of regulations, there are as many loopholes or more. Laws against predatory lending didn't stop the mortgage crisis either. The politicians can not be trusted to draft effective controls over their campaign contributors. The problem is there are SO MANY problematic laws.

[-] 1 points by brightonsage (4494) 12 years ago

Not fine. All change should be for the better not two steps back and one step forward, ...maybe.


[-] 0 points by NoGoodTreason (1) 12 years ago

I don't know what a repelican is but I'm not a shill. There's lots of proper functions of government I just think that most of what it's doing these days is improper. The purpose of XXVIII is to put legislative power directly into the hands of the people. When we send "representatives" to DC it just narrows the pool of people that Big Money needs to bribe in order to subvert the democratic process.


[-] -1 points by NoGoodTreason (1) 12 years ago

Because the republic has failed. They don't represent us any more they only represent their campaign contributors. Do we all agree on this point?


[-] 0 points by NoGoodTreason (1) 12 years ago

eh... government assembly?


[-] 3 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

Why don't you just engage in debate and tell him what's wrong with the amendments he's suggesting?

Anyone willing to say "the government doesn't represent us any more they only represent their campaign contributors" is someone you can still reason with even if you disagree on other issues.

I swear sometimes you guys would call an anarchist a republican just because they have differing ideas than you.

It's annoying to see so many attacks on this forum instead of debates.

If someone is wrong - PROVE IT... Calling people repelicans solves nothing.

Titus is a great example of utilizing debate in a comment below - "Apparently, you would want to remove amendments to the Constitution made after 9/17.1787, which would disenfranchise all but white, propertied males. I don't believe that would work."

Debate is a powerful tool.


[-] 2 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

We want people to see the light of OWS and the progressive movement. We should welcome people and use logic to explain our views on society and the government.

We don't want people leaving the forum thinking "wow those guys were rude to me"

We want people leaving the forum thinking "i learned something today"

Now if they're here to cause trouble and name call (like we've definitely seen on this forum before) - give 'em hell! LOL

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Absolutely - we may not agree with everyone's ideas of how to move forward - but we can be supportive - or say nothing at all.


A Street protest may be your thing - Good promote it.

A political stratagem may be your thing - Good promote it.

But do not presume to be the judge of what is OK or What is allowed. Unless of course it is a blatant attack on OWS or any other Occupy movement. In which case feel free to tear them a new one.

We are here in support of Humanity/Health and Prosperity for all. So let us stop bickering because you would rather do something else or do it differently.


[-] 0 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

we've all done it. I myself need a check here and there.


[-] 1 points by NoGoodTreason (1) 12 years ago

Iv actually attended neither type of event. what's GA

[-] 0 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

GA is a general assembly.

Occupy events often have a GA where they discuss topics and plan agendas for future protests and discuss solutions. They use direct democracy and have everyone vote.

If there's an Occupy where you're from you should try and get involved.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

How in the World does this fit into forcing teachers to teach creationism?

[-] -1 points by kaiserw (211) 12 years ago

What you call replican, is basically universal in both halls of the legislature. Every bit of legislation that increases executive power is greeted with bi-partisan acceptance, despite the show on the news channels: pravda and Izvestia (truth and news - translated). Incidentally there was a saying in Russia back in the day that there was no pravda in Izvestia, and no Izvestia in Pravda (No truth in news, and no news in truth). It doesn't matter which party is in the executive, they have the same agenda, power! They've basically stopped trying to hide it anymore. The NDAA, empire building, Gunrunner/ Fast and Furious (both Bush and Obama), it's all a joke.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

I like to think of it as the libe(R)tarian infection.

It's world wide.

In this country, you will find it's much worse in the (R)epelican't party, along with the teabagge(R)s.

[-] -1 points by kaiserw (211) 12 years ago

You could think that, but you'd be an idiot or a sadistic liar if you did, because that's exactly opposite of the way it actually is.

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such a time as the state can shield the people from the political, economic, and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the state to use all of it's powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the state" - Joseph Goebbles

"The needs of the community before the needs of the individual" - (Inscription around every Nazi 2 and 5 Reichmark coin)

Keep practicing your goose stepping, you'll make a great, petty, little tyrant minion, if you're not shot by him first. Choose your tyrant wisely...

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago


That's exactly the way it is.

Libe(R)tarians caused all this.

They even paid for the lie that makes you think they couldn't possibly do this.

Besides, their early progenitors taught Goebbels everything he knew, and he didn't know as much as they did.

Remember.....Things go better with Coke........or was that Koch?

The biggest, most repeated lie I've heard lately is the one that claims we are in a duality...........Pure 100% Propaganda.

I suppose you are going to repeat that one too.

Bullshit details and all.



[-] 1 points by freewriterguy (882) 12 years ago

i think your off to a good start. How about our governmetn can live off the interest rates, and quit taxing us also! cut out the fat middle man banker. Some refined points may include debt to the government will probably not be discharged in bankruptcy, or maybe 50% of it can be.


[-] 1 points by brightonsage (4494) 12 years ago

Ha ha.

[-] 1 points by bensdad (8977) 12 years ago

Since we are not in the same camp -
I favor what 80% of Americans already say they want -
an amendment to

overturn Citizens United & corporate personhood -

can you tell me ANY of our problems that would not be significantly improved
by getting the 1% money out of our system?

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

stop trying to legalize war

[-] 0 points by NoGoodTreason (1) 12 years ago

consider it a first draft. What alternative would you propose?