Forum Post: Thrasymaque Is Out Of Control Again. Are The Moderators On Holidays? List Of Trashy's Names.
Posted 13 years ago on March 11, 2012, 3:56 p.m. EST by EndThrasymaque
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Please feel free to add to this list.
We really need to stop engaging him. Many of the otherwise good posters here get lured into wasting time with him when their time could be better spent. This IS his goal...please don't give it to him. I'm a regular poster here, and have taken on this username for this purpose only, so my regular username can't be attacked by him.
Quite simply guys, just ignore him as best you can. I have, and he doesn't bother me as much as he does some of you.
Perhaps just replying with "Thrasymaque" to his posts, to let him know he has been identified. I have done this and it stops him cold.
An identifiable trait of Thrasy's is how quickly his posts get up-voted quite high, while his 'opponent's' posts get down-voted very low.
I am as certain as I am breathing that these vile trolls are not Thassy.
I DO, however, advocate the idea that they be banned permanently. Along with some obvious over the top hate mongers on this thread:
THen there are trolls like
Jflynn1964 with his "affirmative action president" racism
Friendlyobserver8, with his anti-muslim hate speech
There are many others, unfortunately.
Ya? They're not Thrasy huh. Prove it. No? I'll take my chances.
I hate these trolls as much as you do. But what they say has nothing in common with Thrassy, as far as I can tell.
But since you make the extraordinary claim, it is up to you to provide extraordinary proof. Otherwise, his main contention about and opposition to people like you - conspiracists - is only further cemented. In other words, you prove his point for him.
Instead of this silly nonsense, why not use your energy to add something constructive to this site?
"I am as certain as I am breathing that these vile trolls are not Thassy."
That's quite the claim. You'd think someone could explain such a concrete statement.
I have addressed the reasons I think so. Your simple repetition of a baseless claim does not make it any truer, nor give it any basis.
Your fact-free, evidence-free rantings only serve to prove his points about people like you.
Move on.
ok. But be careful out there Lovebug.
Worried about my safety are ya? dungbeatle.
That wasn't very nice Lovebug. : (
Stinky, oooooooh "Thrasy's the shit" dungbeatle.
Nighty nite Lovebug. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite.
Now how can you be that certain they are not Thrasy?
Now how can you be that certain that EndThrasymaque is not Thrasy? ;)
in fact I'm not sure that everyone except me is not Thrasy ?
Lol....I don't quite know how to prove it to you BradB, but you and I have conversed many times on mutual subjects.
Now 'epa1nter' is another matter. I have often thought he was Thrasy and his comment above seems to corroborate that.
hehehe ;) just joking around ;)
I know :-D
Another thread to suck people in for you to rage against epa1? Or just another thread for you to draw attention to yourself?
Or both?
Are you his wife or something? epa1 is going to have to sink or swim on his own merits, like anyone else here. Quit following him around like some wide eyed, love-lorn look silly.
U Jelly? mean I'm CORRECT?
Have you lost your bloody mind?
You are one sad cat.
Because Thrassy has consistently supported OWS. He has had some real criticisms about its specific kind of leaderless structure, insofar as it actually leads to a particular kind of tyranny (and in my view is correct in his assessment, though I disagree with his concerns about the results), but apart form than has consistently advocated for its primary goals.
He has also used bots to up or down vote specifically conspiracy nut posting, particularly Alex Jones shit , birther shit and 9/11 shit. I have strongly disagreed with him about that tactic, and he has, of his own accord, thankfully stooped using that tactic.
But he has never, in my own reading of his posts, denigrated OWS. He has never used or advocated hate speech. He has never been a right winger. To ascribe to him every post written by every idiot and hate monger is simply wrong. It does both him and OWS a real disservice.
Being correct on points, does not make him (you?) immune to the repercussions of harassment, vulgarity and manipulation of posts. He has by no means stopped these tactics.
You and he apparently have a history. I have no such history with him. If he 'deserves" repercussions for past actions, slander should not be among them.
I've watched him attack many, many posters here, and he's got his bot voting machine working overtime on current posts. He can't help but give himself away.
Prove that's he's doing that, or stop your slander. It is unseemly. Whatever his mistakes in judgment were, they did not include an attempt to harm OWS as these trolls are obviously trying to do. Not every shadow is cast from the same tree. And by insisting that it is Thrassy, you only prove his assertion that you are an unreasoning paranoid.
I suggest you move on. I don't say that to be mean, but only suggest that you are doing more harm to your cause (and mine) of exposing and ridding this site of trolls if you don't.
You're right Lovebug.
Thras is the only person on the face of the earth who is capable of using a program to vote up and down posts.
Nighty night Lovebug. : )
You're obviously right Lovebug. : )
Im my own person idk who you are talking about. I am for this movement i just have my own ideas. So please stop putting me in this shit. factsrfun and friendlyobserver those two have been trashing my name because i dont see eye to eye with them.
I am for the movement i just think it went skewed from the real goal.
thrasymaque are you still out there?
Hey NewEnglandPatriot !! Thought you were gone forever. Welcome back!
Wow, have the trolls taken over this site? They are dominating this discussion.
Somebody is running bots again too.
After a while they seem to blend into one big ugly troll.
Bots and sock puppets are the worst.
It's just plain cowardly.
What does it say about the admins?
It says they either can't control it, or they don't want want to.
It's been going on, on and off, for a while now.
I tried to reason with one of the admitted bot users a while back, but the guy was nut's and refused to stop.
Trolls I can handle, but the pure cowardice of bots and sock puppets............??
It's just very ugly.
It seems to be self-destructing. On top of that, I was at an NYCGA event yesterday. Nobody I talked to had heard of this site.
You have no idea what you're talking about. None of these users are Thras. You obviously have no idea who Thras is at all if you could possibly consider any of these users are him.
Instead of making stupid accusations that just make you look like an embicile, try reading the rules instead. Jeesh!
Reporting Abuse Please email when people are breaking the rules.
Thrasymaque troll
Whatever you say Lovebug.
I say.
Now how did I know I'd see your name pop up. Abuse? Breaking the rules? You've gotta be kidding! That's pretty rich, coming from you Thrasy.
lol. You're quite the genius aren't 'cha! You're too funny!
I'm Thras. epa1nter is Thras. Got any other gems of genius for us? You must be one of those psycho conspiracy theorists.
If you have the least little intelligence, you would take my suggestion and report the abuse according to the forum rules instead of continuing your ridiculously nonsensical ramblings. If that's at all possible. : )
I've actually had some interesting exchanges with people with these user names. If they turn unremittingly hostile I simply stop. I truly don't understand why we should get so wound up about this. I've often found exchanges with erstwhile supporters of OWS just as unproductive and I'm not, after all, for banning them.
Perhaps a list of "good posters" should be made. Would that help?
Just another wanker whipping up fear.