Forum Post: [DELETED]
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 21, 2011, 11:40 a.m. EST by anonymous
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 21, 2011, 11:40 a.m. EST by anonymous
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
How do you pronounce that fools name anyway.
For God's sake richard, I was kidding! It was sarcasm.
I'm just sick of him and nucleus bullying people on here every day. I have no tolerance for bullies. I in no way intend to annoy or offend you.
I don't see it as bullying. It's a direct action tactic. You like direct action don't 'cha? Thras's pictures are funny. Some people might find it annoying. Some people find it annoying that OWS tries to shut down ports.
You didn't offend me. I like you. Even if you do spam your site around. : )
i have spent more time and money on those projects than i will ever make back and i'm not selling anything. i don't consider it spam any more than posting a link to a live stream is spamming. they too have ads you must tolerate. any money i do make from the ads will go to advertising the projects on google and facebook.
btw, how come the OP got deleted??
because it was not intended to be a continued disruption to the forum, rather a distraction. every post he makes here is one more that nobody else has to deal with. as of now, he is still posting on a thread that is deleted. so again, what is the purpose of his actions?
I see your point. In fact, I think Thras is being a little mean when he keeps calling your site crappy. I bet you worked hard on it.
All in all, I think you mean well. And I think Thras means well too.
I have spent time doing tech support for some of the writers to help them better their blogs as well. The site itself is built on google apps for biz so that wasn't hard. There is a lot more to it than just setting up a site. I don't believe chasing people around and insulting them is a show of good intentions. i have tolerated his bs for over a month with little response until now. there is nothing noble about flooding threads. if he disagrees with them, he should not feed the trolls. instead he helps keep those threads alive by bumping them back to the top, so is he really doing it for good intentions? or is that just an excuse to be a dick to people.
So you constantly put yourself out there with paranoid rants?? Do you not think that may encourage this??
Richard is a spammer looking for writers who want to work for free to help him make money with his crappy website. Be careful if you decide to use his "services"
Richard is a spammer looking for writers who want to work for free to help him make money with his crappy website. Be careful if you decide to use his "services".
Not much else here to talk about ...
Record of your harassment
Supporters don't try to run everyone off as furiously as you do. You're a fraud.
fraud n. A deception deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain.
The deception is all yours. Con any more people into writing for free for your for-profit website?
The term of my project are given up front on the thread and gain on the site. you and I both know that.
Record of your harassment
Supporters don't try to run everyone off as furiously as you do. You're a fraud.
Doing what??? What is with all of this. I understand there are impostors on here too so I do not know what this is about. This child's play must stop. It was entertaining for a bit...and sometimes still is, as I watch from side. Are you sure it is not Thrasymorque or one of others?
This is a boring and repetitious thread. There is no creativity here, and about 5 other identical threads flooding the forum. Let's make it interesting by posting pictures of modern architecture. These buildings are fascinating, and I hope they can add something of worth to this rather lame posting.
Ah yes, richard the spammer. Are you trying to recruit more writers who want to work for free and help you make money with your crappy website?
Why not contribute to an interesting and serious thread instead of creating yet another post about Thrasymaque. The attention is nice, but all these posts about me are flooding the forum. Follow the link below to escape the clutches of conspiracy theorists and enter the world of logical debates:
In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4] The noun troll may refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted".
You are by definition, trolling. It is not your place to decide who can post what.
You're spamming the same message in several posts. Spam is not allowed as per the forum rules. Please be careful or I will deface this posting of yours.
In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4] The noun troll may refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted".
You are by definition, trolling. it is not your place to decide who can post what.
Richard is a spammer looking for writers who want to work for free to help him make money with his crappy website. Be careful if you decide to use his "services"
For god sakes my ribs are hurting!!!
I think you are the psychopath. Why are you so taken in by one person?? Do you want to be like him?? Is he someone you once knew who stole your crayon in kindergarten, so now you must make every attempt to defame him on the internet, even though only you know this terrible, Earth shattering secret?! And why do you use so many lines when you post. Are you walking a line?? Trying to hypnotize Thrasymaque into telling you what he did with that crayon??
Then you say he could be getting paid, or possibly for a paper..... hmmmm...... what if(follow me, it's gonna get rocky), He was getting PAID to write the PAPER?!! ::mind explodes::
really? another user name to ad credibility to your pathetic ass. different name tag, same douche bag.
Nope. Different douche bag, different tag. And You don't think devoting entire posts(plural) isn't just a little pathetic?? Are you gonna make a post bashing me now??
I have only one thread regarding Thrasymaque. I normally exchange a little when he trolls my threads and leave it when he stops. But I watched him last nigh, harass several people on this forum and I hate bullies. Sticking up to bullies being pathetic? I don't agree.