Forum Post: Thoughts on the coming winter?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 11:42 a.m. EST by Romborama
from Augusta, ME
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
In the words of one of my favorite characters from one of my favorite books/shows, Ned Stark, "Winter is coming". Now I live a good fifteen minutes from Augusta ME and would love to help with an Occupy movement anywhere, but sadly I have no car. Anyway getting off topic, how do you think the coming winter will affect the Occupy movements across the country?
GEt a commitee together to raise funds for large gas patio heaters like these. they are the safest for large groups and all the bars/restauraunts use them now for outdoor smokers in winter. They are also legal. Here is an example of one. they do come cheaper than this model but you get the idea. The media is already focussing on the thinning out of occupations in colder climates like denver. Blankets will not suffice for a new york winter you need a real heat source. see the link here
im curious how long this will go on. Clearly this one is going down in history as its one of the fastest spread and growing protests ever. So im going to join at my earliest convenience and be a part of something big. Winter or not.
I've work all my life and now im about to be homeless how do one make end meet when you only make 13.00 hr and your rent is 1,100.00 a mth?The mth of September i was summon to Grand Jury duty I didn't finish it until last wk,now 17 mth of this mth I must appear in front of a judge to explain this.I always work 60 hrs a wk to pay my rent but scent I did my America duty i couldn;t work 60 hr wk.I lost my mother a couple of yrs age and she left me some thing so maybe I could sell them,I have right now 655.00 in my acct.I just don't know what to do,I ask my boss for OT but he said their cutting down on OT.what can I do? I got to find a way. Bronx.lady.It's not easy been green.
I'm willing to join Occupy and help.Maybe i could buy hot chocolate and coffee tea and severs it to our Occupy protests.I was with them Oct 5 at the Brooklyn Bridge area.I met some nice good hard working loving people.I was truly surprises and happy with these young people...