Forum Post: Thoughts from Oakland 11/14
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 5:37 a.m. EST by Hobohemian
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I'm really worried about what is going to happen to a lot of good people that I know down there, in light of the fact that it looks like OPD is going to move in tonight. Everybody down there is basically ready. Some are ready to fight back, some only believe in non-violent protest. All of them believe that what they're doing is necessary to wake up the rest of the nation. If they were just homeless or street kids looking for a place to crash, you best be damn sure that they wouldn't be there tonight. This is political protest, and any violence against us is political violence. This is what democracy looks like. Messy.....
My several times great-grandfather fought the British in North Carolina during the Revolutionary War. And, of course, he was one of many Americans regarded as a traitor by King George III, who was the equivalent of the 1% forces arrayed against us in OWS protests all over the world. If he and all the other patriots had lost their struggle against the royalist forces, they would have been hanged for treason against the Crown. So it's not surprising that OWS is being trashed on the mainstream media in our own time. However, this moment is a unique event which has the Internet and social media available to all of us in our epic struggle against the forces of evil. In the end, our great victory is assured. In fact, by March of 2012 our ultimate success will be within our sights, and we will soon rejoice as we institute a new era of freedom in the history of mankind.
Right on. But I don't think it will be soon. Nor assured. OWS is under attack as we speak. I stand or sit, whatever the fuck we decide to do, in solidarity with you. From Oakland to New York, peace and resistance!
If those people want to wear the banner of occupy and try to clash with police they ain't anyone that I want to fellow.\
Well, we can't seem to over-ride them with the GA process in Oakland, so we may need intervention. that is what I am saying.
Fight back you wimps. Take an ass kicking for the team
The strength of the Occupy movement lies in non-violence. In a battle of might, we are at a disadvantage and will lose. More than anything, this is a battle for the hearts and minds of the American people.Whether we like it or not, the police and other local officials are part of the 99%.
"wimps" -- who are you, stevo?
You speak in the language of macho male hierarchy.
Most of the people who were arrested last night were some people from labor and a group of a dozen and a half or so clerics from the Inter-Faith Tent. They are currently allowing us to occupy other sites that have been ongoing sites like Snow Park so we are regrouping and standing against them, had about 3000 out there tonight downtown.
We all stand in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street in the face of the crackdown tonight. Let's not talk about wimps. Let's talk about creating the kind of resistance that lets the world know how serious we are and that we are not about destroying the nation but hopefully saving it.