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Forum Post: Thoughts and Ideas on a New Form of Government

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 1:02 a.m. EST by zakdonnelly (1) from Winnemucca, NV
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

We don't need government controlled by a few elected individuals making decisions for us. This is the information age. We should all be able to have a recorded decision on everything we want and don’t want. We should be able to classify laws based on their importance. Be able to decide if it should be a Global, National, State, County, City, Zip Code, census tract or whatever local citizens come up with.

The people will decide what the laws are based on the current popular vote. Only yes and no votes will be counted. Citizens will be able to change their minds on their votes whenever they want. If they encounter a law they don't agree with they can go online and vote against it.   We should be able to vote for who enforces these rules and regulations. The current vote for them by the majority will determine if they get to retain their employment by the people. The people can change their vote for these elected individuals anytime they want. These elected individuals can suggest laws for us but they can never decide for us.   We can choose some sort of time delay for these laws and government employees to go into and out of effect based on the number of votes.   The citizens will maintain their own voter profile choosing what laws they are for or against.
They will get to decide what parts of their profile are public or private.

They will be able to choose who gets to work for them.

They will get to vote on their own tax rates and rules and how these taxes are to be collected. If the roads go to hell and a hand basket and they get tired of driving over pot holes, they get online and adjust their votes.   This system can be phased into effect by taking the current laws and individuals entering them into a database that will allow the citizens to cast their vote for it. Citizens can suggest laws that other citizens can vote on. They can decide on how much they want to fund for public projects. Everyone will have free access to the information so they can make an informed decision.   The people can vote for their form of currency and how it will be regulated.

The people can decide if they should have a Constitution and bill of rights that will have precedence over all other laws that the people come up with.   All individuals working for law enforcement will have a public profile that will show how many citizens are for or against them. The number of law enforcement positions can be decided by the public.

Interpretation of the all the laws will be decided by the public.

Any other thoughts, comments, ideas email me: zakdonnelly@gmail.com



Read the Rules
[-] 2 points by HPolloi (74) 13 years ago

How about a government much like ours now, except that corporations aren't people and elections are publicly funded with limited expenditures?

[-] 1 points by zakdonnelly (1) from Winnemucca, NV 13 years ago

Well if you can get the picture....which ever way the computer comes up with the tally is what kind of gov't you'll end up with. The problem with the government now is the 99% is ignored and this could take care of that. Something like this could be brought in gradually.