Forum Post: "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible...
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 1:59 p.m. EST by demonspawn79
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...make violent revolution inevitable." - John Fitzgerald Kennedy
City officials had better keep this quote in mind as they send their goons to destroy people's property and arrest innocent civilians. This brutality and oppression will only be tolerated for so long before people begin to consider alternative methods.
OWS is committed to nonviolence and will remain so NO MATTER WHAT. Anybody violent is NON-OWS.
But if police brutality is not curbed and carefully kept in check, then there is IMO a very real danger that many fed-up Americans, not trained in nonviolence, may take their anger out with arms. This could have tragic consequences for the whole country.
So GOVERNMENTS, POLICE and the ARMY had better heed Kennedy's warning or face the harsh judgement of history, if not that of special tribunals. Don't these people realize that EVERYTHING is being filmed???
My message to the POWERS THAT BE : The whole world is watching, minute by minute, you fools! Do you think making martyrs will slow us down? You cannot kill us all! And you cannot break the spirit of this PEOPLE.
Absolutely, I do not speak for OWS whatsoever when I speak about violent revolution. I respect what OWS is trying to do with nonviolent protest, but that can only get you so far when the government uses such brutal tactics to oppress it's people and silence dissent.
WHY are you already imagining a worst-case scenario? I have respect for the intelligence and good instincts of the American people. NOBODY wants a civil war... EXCEPT perhaps for a few unstable individuals or "hotheads"...
If anyone out there recognizes himself in these words, PLEASE, for your own sake and for the sake of your country, empty your home of ALL arms and seek immediate help with your emotions.
Because I'm a a bit of a history buff and have seen this played out time and time again. This can go in one of two directions. The protests are quelled by violent police action, people go home afraid to come back out, new laws are implemented to make it illegal to protest in public, and the country turns into a fascist police state similar to Nazi Germany or North Korea. Or people decide they don't want to live in a police state and take up arms against their oppressors. Of course this will only happen if police continue with their current tactics.
With respect, you must be an ANCIENT HISTORY buff, as the successful revolutions of the past decades - beginning with the 1974 "Carnation Revolution" in Portugal - have all been of the nonviolent kind. Do you want another French Revolution, complete with the Guillotine and the "Terreur"?
Look, I don't want to sound rude, but you may be an "AGENT PROVOCATEUR", trying to steer people on a violent path, so that OWS will not succeed. Good day.
I'm not trying to steer anyone on to the path of violence. I'm simply warning those in power that if this peaceful revolution turns violent, they have only themselves to blame. I know the FBI and CIA monitor this forum, which is why I have chosen to post Mr. Kennedy's quote here. The last thing I want is a war.
Sorry, but I just reread your post and comments and detect PROFOUND AMBIGUITY and possibly deceit in your discourse. I do not share your fantasies of violent revolution - not my trip. Good day.
Wake up. This is NOT a Revolution, this is a Complain Campaign pure and simple. Revolutions happen when the masses share a common belief AND ARE WILLING TO DIE FOR IT. There is a reason why this campaign declared non-violence.
Yeah, right now it's a simple protest against economic disparity. Soon it will be an armed revolution against a fascist police state.
Could be but I doubt it. Complain for the good of the cause? - Yes... Die for it? - I have my doubts.