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Forum Post: Those “Evil, Rich People” –

Posted 12 years ago on June 25, 2012, 9:56 a.m. EST by Justoneof99 (80)
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Those “Evil, Rich People” – are Democrats

Bill Gates - Democrat Warren Buffett - Democrat Larry Ellison - Democrat

From the, “you never hear about that from the media” file – Those “Evil, Rich People” that Democrats are always wailing about are actually – Democrats.

In fact, the Top 3 on the list: Bill Gates, Warren Buffett & Larry Ellison are all Democrats. Together, they are worth $126 Billion Dollars.

An analysis of the Top 20 Richest People in America (from Forbes Top 100) reveals that a full 60% are actually Democrats. Furthermore, if you look at it from a “family” point of view and not as indivisuals, thereby eliminating duplication caused by people from the same family being included in that Top 20 list (Wal-Mart & Koch) that ratio widens even further to: 25% Republican / 75% Democrat.

(The purpose of this analysis is not who makes the most money, but where they contribute / by party affiliation. Obviously, people from the same family would tend to contribute to the same party.)

Analyzing the data takes us even further. Not only are there more Democrats in the Top 20 list, but those Democrats are a lot more stingy with their money when it comes to campaign contributions. Republicans coughed up $5.2 million while Democrats squirted out only $2.1 Million. These statistics would indicate that the more you have, the less you give.

Contributions paid to special interest groups are a little harder to track. But we have no reason not to assume that the money these Top 1% of the population contribute to Special Interest groups wouldn’t match (or closely match) those of their chosen political affiliation. So when you add in the money contributed to these groups, you end up with Republican Contributions at $10 million while Democrats contributed only $6 million. Again, it appears that the Democrats are a bit more stingy with their money.

Lest we not forget, Democrats outweigh Republicans. Not only in terms of the number of uber-millionaires, but also with their net worth. In this Top 20 group, Democrats have a combined net worth of $263.1 billion dollars while the Republicans have a combined net worth of only $143.9 billion dollars – almost half that of Democrats.

So the next time you hear some Liberal try the “Evil Rich People” rhetoric, remind them and everyone around you that it is the Democrats who are those “Evil Rich People”, not the Republicans. Then stand back and watch their head spin.



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[-] 2 points by freewriterguy (882) 12 years ago

there is no difference between a democrap and a repoblican, both of them failed the american people!

[-] 1 points by HempTwister (667) from Little Rock, AR 12 years ago

For Republicans it is a business expense and they expect a return on that investment. If a $5,000,000 investment in politicians gets you a $10,000,000 tax break you just made a nice return on your investment. Democrats are not psychopaths or they would not be Democrats.

[-] 1 points by 994All (1) 12 years ago
  1. Democrat Nancy Pelosi has a networth of 101 million
  2. Democrat Hillary Clinton has a networth of 34 million
  3. Democrat Bill Clinton has a networth of 80 million
  4. Democrat Senator Herb Kohn has a networth of 231 million
  5. Democrat Congressman Jarel Polis has a networth of 143 million
  6. Democrat Senator Jay Rockefeller has a networth of 99 million
  7. Democrat Senator Mark Warner has a networth 70 million
  8. Democrat Senator Richard Blumenthal has a networth of 64 million
  9. Democrat Senator Frank Lautenberg has a networth of 85 million
  10. Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein has a networth of 69 million
  11. Democrat Congressman Harry Teague has a networth of 40 million
  12. Democrat congressman Alan Grayson has a networth of 93 million
  13. Democrat Congress woman Jane Harman has a networth of 112 million
  14. Democrat Senator John Kerry has a networth of 188 million

The richest politicians in Washington are Democrats- go figure...

[-] 1 points by jrhirsch (4714) from Sun City, CA 12 years ago

Darrell Issa, a republican is the richest in congress at $450 million. Should we trust him any more because of his party affiliation?

[-] 1 points by Neuwurldodr (744) 12 years ago

Well, its obvious you are a true product of WALL STREET & TEXAS BRAINWASHING!!

You actually believe all political parties have different agendas from one another? Wouldn't that boil down to religions, nations, races, etc.? So, when will you begin your CRUSADE against the INFIDELS?

This world is so full of man's BULL SHYT ideologies and theories that it makes being a human being a complete dishonor to nature and the universe!

[-] 1 points by PeterKropotkin (1050) from Oakland, CA 12 years ago

Good post