Forum Post: This will bring a tear to your eye. Some good people in Texas.
Posted 12 years ago on March 3, 2013, 4:17 p.m. EST by DKAtoday
from Coon Rapids, MN
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magnificent - thank you
Thank you - I was just fortunate enough to have come across the vid.
Good post. Thanks, Nevada.
Nice to see good people speak-up.
There are good people everywhere. And I say more of 'em than the evil ones.
Yes - I do believe that there are more good people then there are bad - problem is the bad seem to be very outspoken/noticible and the good people tend all too often to be too quiet.
True true. We will overcome that reality eventually. Years of hard work lie ahead and is required.
We need to take major strides forward right NOW.
It does. That said, I really dislike this show.
I have never watched the program - but like the fact that this portion made it to the internet.
Ya, I don't like any of the practical joke shows or shows where they put actors in to force a public reaction.
I'm not a huge fan of the tv, though :)
All we see are the redneck clowns from Texas. Texas has a lot of good people in it.
Plenty of good people all across the USA - insanity that the assholes all too often end up in positions of authority.
Bribery, usually.
Yep - appealing/applying to greed.
I only ever watch tv for an imagination vacation ( much like reading a fiction book ) - as you can not take 90% of what you will see at face value.
I think you missed the turn off for Pat Robertson's web site.
That explains a lot. A hell of a lot.
Bigots forward that assertion all the time. R U doing that?
Well, you do tolerate union busting in all it's putrid forms.
So I guess it depends on which way you are looking at it from.
I suppose that would depend on why you made the comment. That was why I asked.
not bad. didn't really bring a tear to my eye, though
I lived in Farmers Branch, TX for eight years in the seventies. It’s a close in suburb to Dallas. I enjoyed it. Well except for the time the public library threatened to file theft charges for a long overdue library book.
This is the same city who passed a local ordinance making it illegal to rent housing to illegal immigrants. I don’t remember all the details, but it took a couple of years to get the law overturned. It is, without a doubt, a very conservative area. I was actually surprised by the video.
No surprise there.