Forum Post: This website has been compromised - data breach
Posted 8 months ago on June 15, 2024, 1:30 p.m. EST by rachelodell
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I received an alert that my email and password were identified in a data breach and I haven't been on this site in over 15 years. There is no way to reset my password. Please advise.
Given the lack of any response to this forum-post, and the reply here ...
then in these current circumstances that we are now all in, do carefully consider: & more specifically, please try to closely consider the info here: Meanwhile, there's this
IF you can stomach it? "'Ethnic Cleansing': Israeli Group B'Tselem Calls for World to Stop Israel's Siege of Northern Gaza"!!! ... (15m)
respice, adspice, prospice; e tenebris, fiat lux - et caveat!
This site is still secure enough for now and is mainly accessed by a few diehards, trying to keep the info sharing going. New entrants can't join & the DNC/Likud faction, who had infiltrated the mods here, have been ejected long ago. You can still post primary posts (like the one I am replying to here) & make reply comments (such as this) IF you have a valid password. If I may ask you; when is your e-mail dated and who is it from? Further consider that ...
this is what OWS was and really still is all about: "Inside Job (2010 Full Documentary Movie)" (108m) ... and also please consider this video:
"An Expanded Heist Trailer for the 99%" w/Thom Hartmann: (22m) Furthermore..
"Occupy The SEC" - is still a critical, technical arm of "Occupy" & thus it is also really well worth your consideration.
Also NB 'Political Fraud' by Class War Films
Further consider ... "The 1% Pathology And The Myth of Capitalism" - by Dr. Michael Parenti:
Finally note; "The Antidote to Ayn Rand", by Jeffrey Mikkelson: & note that these links are from earliest OWS days & still very appropriate.
However recent events in ME have meant that serious international matters have somewhat taken over posts and comments recently & given the extent and quality of the info still shared here - it would be no surprise whatsoever sadly, IF this site is under new external attacks, especially during an election year! If you are so inclined & have any useful, informed contributions to make - please don't hesitate to do so.
PS: In keeping with events in Gaza: w/ Abby Martin & Rania Khalek, who is a Palestinian American journalist. This conversational exchange speaks volumes!