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Forum Post: This site is a fraud

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 12:39 p.m. EST by notevery1 (-2)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

You can only post once and then you can't reply... Try it for yourselves. It's a site run by the authorities to identify revolutionaries via their IPs. BE CAREFUL OF WHAT YOU SAY!!!



Read the Rules
[-] 3 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

You can post new topics once every two hours, and you can post replies every two minutes. You can edit your posts as often as you like.

What would refreshing the page prove?

[-] 2 points by TimMcGraw (50) 13 years ago

i'm pretty sure they could care less.

[-] 2 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

no, i believe it is because there is so much traffic that you have to wait before you reply again? kinda like standing in line to get served. but, hay, I could be wrong

[-] 1 points by seaglass (671) from Brigantine, NJ 13 years ago

They have all our IPs long ago dude. If your worried about that never use the Internet or a cell ph. Homeland Security AKA the American Stasi has us all in a big file and they watch us all with various super computers. So what, let them.

[-] 0 points by seeker (242) 13 years ago

Whe they claim to be the voice of the 99% and ban and cencor speackers and have their own blatant agenda...It is indeed a fraud.

Why RONPAUL...Alex Jones David Icke....They popular speackers among the 99% with the strongest message.

Corporate media version 2.0

[-] 0 points by FawkesNews (1290) 13 years ago

Although, you are likely correct, the information disseminated here, far outweighs the risk of recovering it.

[-] -1 points by JohnmcHD (16) from Chandler, AZ 13 years ago

Stomping out capitalism, one line of code at a time ? really ? what's with the fist ? COMMUNISM IS WRONG OWS isn't communist the word socialist can be left out too ! FIX IT !!!! "You say you'll change the constitution" "You tell me it's the institution" "But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao" "You ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow" The Beatles

Your site will be defunct, socialism, and fists are not good, u are inciting something you don't want to I agree with the movement, but some of your symbolism is not serving anyone, the United States will never be "socialist"

[-] 2 points by Idaltu (662) 13 years ago

The word 'never' has been used many times throughout history. But history shows that nothing is without an end.

[-] -1 points by JohnmcHD (16) from Chandler, AZ 13 years ago

I say never because, if this is really a socialist movement, you will have 99% against this cause, we did not get to be such a great country without freedom, socialism is in no way freedom, and if this movement is to survive it needs to focus on government reform, not socialism this cause will be dead in 6 months if people keep using the "S" word

[-] 2 points by devnull (18) 13 years ago

You are taking the description of a project on github, which is defined by the author/major contributor to the code of the site (not the content) and twisting it to speak for the entire movement.

Quit being such a fraud and a joke. Communism and Socialism are two different things.

[-] 0 points by JohnmcHD (16) from Chandler, AZ 13 years ago

just saying what it says, as a developer you have to consider all things look at the dictionary to understand what a fraud is BTW and there is nothing I have joked about and dog dooodoo and pig dooodoo are basically the same they are both crap. Millions of Americans did NOT die in vain to stop socialism/communism, but you have your freedoms and rights because they did

[-] 2 points by devnull (18) 13 years ago

Your comment started off fantastic, but then got really disappointing:

dog dooodoo and pig dooodoo are basically the same they are both crap

You are the second person today I've spoke to that's make references to shit in a thread. Such an odd trend. Regardless, that's not the case, and you even making this comparison shows that you fail to understand what either communism or socialism are.

Think of Communism as an oligarchy masquerading under the guise of socialism. They promise their people socialist services, such as public education, state-ran health services, etc, but in fact, the system is still plagued by greed. All of the power exists at the top, whether that be one person or a small group of people who are out of touch of what's good for the nation.

Socialism is an economic system, and Communism is a political system. They are two different ways of thinking.

Please be aware that I do not agree with Socialism, but at least I know what it is.

[-] -1 points by SmithGoesWashington (72) 13 years ago

You cannot count on these things. You have to use this and other means. You might be an agitator (God forbids) sending misleading alarms. If snowball rolls and rolls then there'll be no use of having your IPs. Those who check IPs might join to you. Use every means. good luck!

[-] -1 points by notevery1 (-2) 13 years ago

Don't believe me? keep refreshing this page

[-] 1 points by thinkb4speak (12) from New York, NY 13 years ago

notevery,,,your wrong if you post something that makes the people "involved" in this "movement" look stupid or something they can not understand ,explain or agree with ( and I am not talking about threats,violence,curses,etc)about what they are doing they,the people who run this site stop you from using it,even though you did not break the rules of the site. All you did is post something they do not undertsand.

[-] -1 points by SmithGoesWashington (72) 13 years ago

It is not that I do not believe you, sir. Your alarm has not any meaning by itself. If they win they might take many. They could do it at the time of Spartacus without the IPs. If you win then you make a world without fear and persecution. Use all means to build that world.