Forum Post: This site is a con scam
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 9:35 p.m. EST by gawdoftruth
from Santa Barbara, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
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equazcion (New York, NY) 1 points 6 minutes ago
• - Occupy forum with subforums
• - Occupy wiki (just created today, no content -- but it's there, wiki content is provided by you)
gawdoftruth (Santa Barbara, CA) 1 points 2 minutes ago
equazion, what can you give me for trust credit? how can i be sure i can trust this?
equazcion (New York, NY) 1 points 5 seconds ago
Same way you can be sure you can trust the forum you're in now.
i am 100 percent certain i can't trust the forum i am in now. i am only here because everyone else is. i am very certain that there can be only one reason left to explain no sub forums and no wiki and that is that Jart or etc has no intention of putting anything up and represents actually the astroturfed movement... somebody is trying to control the movement by keeping it disorganized in order to make it less effective on purpose. In short. We are all of us congregated on the forum created by the thought police to keep us all ignorant and disorganized.
I don't care. "The truth points to itself." If there is truth here, it will come out. If there are lies, those will be shown too.
I kinda like this forum for the energy, but we really do need to switch forums.
By the way, I counted a bunch of occupy wikis through a google search. They should probably be cross-linked. Some are growing more than others.
See the NYCGA button in the header bar? that goes to the official site. The rest are just "supplement sites" including this one.
important reality check notice. thanks.
Here is a list of OWS forums or websites. Have a look and decide for yourself what best suits your reading or posting needs:
thanks. i am liking that there is a wiki. i am concerned to the question of how can i trust it. I have spent too many games jumping in somewhere only to have the plug pulled after thousand of hours of work. How can i know that the owneer of the wiki does not have a con scam agenda?
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equazcion (New York, NY) 1 points 4 minutes ago
Or they could have their hands full with the street movement, the part that's actually causing attention and traction. I don't want to put down the online component, but really, it's secondary. I'm glad they've got their priorities straight.
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gawdoftruth (Santa Barbara, CA) 1 points 0 seconds ago
i'm sorry, but thats not straight priorities its a simple formula for failure. this is a communications problem with 1 percent of the population that must somehow explain it all to the 98 percent. This forum will never accomplish that and so it is al lin vain and it is all pointless, including the demonstration. only a wiki can handle the organizational load we have to work through. There was a window of two weeks there where i waited pateiently and hoped for the best. 3 weeks of waiting for a wiki or sub forums and nothing up tells me something quite clear esp after sub forums have been promised and the request for a wiki repeatedly ignored. The simple fact of the matter MUST logicalluy be that there is no intention to get sub forums and no intention to put up a wiki. in both cases a good techie should be able to do either in a few hours. A poor techie should be able to do it in a few days. I have been patient. i have been persistant. Jart can not claim that i have not made the point to her or the rest of the forum. The only remaining possiblity is that the disorganization is on purpose. The priority MUST go to how we will reach the rest of the population. to be uber blunt, protesting only gets us media attention but does not carry our message or solve the problems, and it only brings in the one percent of the population already sympathetic. Without a wiki this will end up like 2003 protests against the war. a foot note in history- giant protests with no outcome, no change, no difference.
/me poor techie.
Although I didn't create the wiki.
The movement has been gaining strength and support steadily. Some might say exponentially. You're just pissed off and determined to stay that way, since the particular place you've focused your attention isn't going anywhere; but it's understandable that it's not going anywhere. The movement is out there, and the people who happened to create this place are spending their time in a different place that is rightly prioritized over this one.
It's then up to us to help out and take care of whatever we feel needs to be taken care of. Stop crying that the place you've hoped would get better isn't. Go someplace that already is.
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gawdoftruth (Santa Barbara, CA) 1 points 0 seconds ago
look, i have every right to point out rightly that the movement will fail unless it pulls its head out of its ass. thats not me wishing it would all go my way- its me pointing out that its not going ANYWHERE, period.
I agree it is growing exponentially. to maintain that growth past 2 percent of the population will require levels of organization that we don't have. It is NOT understandable that its going nowhere, it is entirely an objective assessment of reality that these things were systemic and communicatons emergencies at the first week.
I'm not crying- i am telling. unless we get a wiki last week, everything we have to say to the 98 percent will be drowned out with media distortions and lies.
there is no place that already is. I can't trust anybody in this and certainly not Jart and certainly not you. As much as i would like to trust, as much as we al lwould like to trust- this is an infinite zero sum game and the outcome whether people understand that or not is the extinction of the human species if we fail. We can't afford to not have a wiki and we can't afford to go to a wiki where we can't be sure of the intentions or agenda of the person who owns the wiki.
So. Again. How do i know that these sites are not ALSO some kind of attempt to screw us all over the anarchy?
I am doing everything in my power to support change and this movement. But at some point in time, i will have to cut my losses and return back to the long slog of making my own social movement happen, if things don't change.
MOST people with any kind of serious education are in the same boat and probably 10 percent of the population who would join can't see the sense of it because of these problems.
Not having a wiki is for 1001 reasons preventing the movement from growing and is setting the movement up for abysmal failure.