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Forum Post: This should be our 1 demand, and here is how we make it happen.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 9:36 p.m. EST by occupypitt17 (24)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

According to this CNN poll the number one concern of Occupy Protesters is government corruption, and for good reason. Government is supposed to be the means by which we keep a fair and just society. Many of the demands I've seen bandage the wound but do not fix the actual problem. Any legislation brought to address our concerns would either never make it into law or be torn apart by lobbyists. We have to go over Washington's head on this one. We need to pressure the states into having a Constitutional Convention, like we used to repeal prohibition, to amend the constitution to take the money out of Washington. How exactly to do that can be decided at the conventions and we can keep protesting until we are happy with the outcome. We can focus our protests and occupations on state capital buildings. Right now our media coverage is eventually going to wane, but combining different cities protests at the state capitals would be a natural progression to keep making headlines. This is an issue that everyone can get behind, and more importantly it has a means to actually make it happen. It would give people a glimmer of hope that we can actually accomplish something and inspire those who think they can do nothing. Only 34 states need to sign on for a Constitutional convention. Recently 30 states signed on to add a balanced budget amendment. That's only 4 states short on a much more divisive issue and without a global protest to support it! This is a bold and historic protest. We need a bold and historic solution.




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[-] 2 points by Fedup2 (3) 13 years ago

I believe that overturning the Supreme Court's misguided 'Citizen's United' decision would be a huge step in taking the corporate $ out of politics. Can a Constitutional Convention overturn a Supreme Court decision? if not, can the President? I haven't researched this yet, but there must be a mechanism that could accomplish this end

[-] 1 points by booshington (397) 13 years ago

That was a very recent decision and probably not relevant at all to the current situation on Wall St.

Try going back more than a couple years.

[-] 1 points by StevenRoyal (490) from Dania Beach, FL 13 years ago

One thing would solve all your grievances: GET THE MONEY OUT OF POLITICS!

[-] 1 points by RillyKewl (218) 13 years ago

Repeal Gramm-Leach-Bliley.

[-] 1 points by godsfury83 (34) 13 years ago

I've got a demand that was completely ignored by Mr. Barak Obama, himself, during the Youtube Interview. Heck, he even hired a "suit" just to make those of us with a few valid points look bad to those who didn't know our actual points and because of that suit and his lame scheme, I don't know if anyone is going to listen to our valid points. I want to first state the reason for my demand in a simple sentence. My brother has HIV. My demand is that Cannabis be legalized in the United States on a Federal level so my little brother doesn't have to suffer anymore. Plus, Cannabis has been proven without a single doubt to cure most cancer related ailments, make more money and it could just possibly get us out of debt. I'm just stating the facts. Is anyone going to listen?

[-] 1 points by occupypitt17 (24) 13 years ago

You may be in luck. For the first time ever 50% of the population believes marijuana should be legal. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/nationnow/2011/10/record-high-50-percent-of-americans-favor-legalizing-marijuana-use.html?track=icymi

[-] 1 points by godsfury83 (34) 13 years ago

If it is legalized, Those of us who know how to grow it can save the U.S. and the world from the poverty that waits on our doorsteps.

[-] 1 points by godsfury83 (34) 13 years ago

Thank God and all that is holy, my little brother might actually be saved by the country if there is a vote for it to be legal and so will all the others who actually need it. Thank you for showing me that, you just gave me hope.

[-] 1 points by FuManchu (619) 13 years ago

Israel just released a study showing its benefits. The TV ad guy, Montel Williams is going to Israel soon to find out what they have done. He was on Fox business just a few minutes ago. The problem with making it legal is many DEA guys will become unnecessary, prisons will be empty. How will the private prisons make money?

[-] 1 points by godsfury83 (34) 13 years ago

The DEA guys can use what they've learned in their training to arrest those who are pushing Meth, A drug that is on a rise world wide, it hasn't stopped rising and it is actually dangerous for the people. I've seen sane men and women babel continuously about things that made no sense. One of my ex girl friends, whom i've not seen in a while, is now a meth addict because her brother is a meth addict, because of his friends, his friends family and so on. They went from very well to do people to nearly dead looking, "zombie like" people. Meth is the real problem. Whats worse is it was made to energize soldiers and now it is made to kill us.

[-] 1 points by godsfury83 (34) 13 years ago

the private prisons need to be shut down anyway. The entire point of those prisons is simply to make the rich man richer. I looked at the money being made in those prisons and none of it was going to the people of the U.S. at the time that I looked, it was going to pockets, plenty of already rich pockets. The people working in those private prisons can start learning how to and then raise the crops we need grown here or they can put actually murderers in those prison which is what a prison is for.

[-] 1 points by occupypitt17 (24) 13 years ago

I think this spreads even further than just corporations. Right now foreign nations spend billions of dollars to lobby in congress. Foreign nations should not be deciding US elections. This takes more than just signing a petition. This would take enough real people getting on board so that the media caught on. As soon as they get wind of it we'll be golden.

[-] 1 points by BenjaminFranklin (45) from Honey Brook, PA 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by occupypitt17 (24) 13 years ago

The only legitimate way would be to amend the constitution. Either congress can do it, which because of partisanship and lobbyists wont happen, or we can have a constitutional convention. Here's the wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitutional_Convention_(United_States)

[-] 1 points by Fedup2 (3) 13 years ago

I believe that overturning the Supreme Court's misguided 'Citizen's United' decision would be a huge step in taking the corporate $ out of politics. Can a Constitutional Convention overturn a Supreme Court decision? if not, can the President? I haven't researched this yet, but there must be a mechanism that could accomplish this end

[-] 1 points by BenjaminFranklin (45) from Honey Brook, PA 13 years ago

The convention could adopt an amendment to do the job. Something like money is not speech and corporations are not people!
