Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 1:26 p.m. EST by archangel
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The very sad part about this is that this protest has drawn national and global attention. Without a very clearly defined demand such as a cap on CEO salary or the discontinuation of tax breaks for the rich, this movement will fizzle out. You guys need a spokesperson that can not be bought and a financier that is not part of the upper 1% that your movement is against. That is a bit hypocritical.
On a lighter note though, I am 100% supportive of the founding principle your movement was started on. It is about damn time the bottom 99% stood up and exercised their constitutional right to change this democracy. If we do not, then this county is nothing less then communism being passed off as capitalism.
In order to implement real change in this structure many people need to actually get involved. Watching it on the news will not help the cause. If this movement was to spread nationally on a local scale, then the politicians would have no choice but to listen. After all, if the world see's that the democratic government of the US is not listening to it's citizens then what would that do to credibility and stability on a global level?
For years protest of our corrupt democratic facade was prevented by fear. Fear of losing what you have for speaking up. Much like the kids who avoid the school bully cause they dont want to get their ass kicked and lunch money taken away. Well, now things are changing because if you dont have anything, you have nothing to loose. Unfortunately, if modern history is an indicator I see great odds of this movement ending in one of three ways. 1. The corporate controlled media continues to ignore the movement or worse, air lies and half truths regarding the movement and it eventually dies out. 2. The elitists politicians (most who say they are here to help us) throws us a tidbit in a shiny package and the hungriest of us break solidarity for a taste. 3. The agressive rhetoric of the day and favored by the todays elite ignites this peacefull demonstration into something more violent. Remember folks, the elitists are not going to give up what they have through democratic means or by any other means without a tough fight. They are big, bad and have had the run of things for a long, long time. If you are not in this movement cradle to grave, you have already lost. You must accept that for true change to occur, things must get alot worse. Removing the sparse comfort of the 99% is the catlyst of the movement. Please dont regress when some smiley faced, corporate funded, elite politician promises you a tidbit of a concession if we back off. That small concession is chicken feed compared the prize of a government of the people, for the people. We need leaders in this movement not establishment politicians. Please come forward.
I am a supporter. Fight the power. E.
You are right, that is what happened with Obama. We fell for the line, and we got more of the same. This movement has to set itself up permanently, like the Tea Party on the right, to consistently maintain its independence, and exert itself on either the Democrats or the replacement party of our choice.
I agree with what you are saying but shouldn't the parties in Washington actually represent the mass majority of Americans rather than special interest and big business? If you want to fix the political system, make it illegal for special interests and companies to give campaign contributions. Then the politicians would have a vested interest in what the average working Joe wants.
Those are good ideas, and they should be implemented. I would like nothing better than for the Democratic Party to become responsive to its base again. But, at its best, it wasn't as good as faded memories make of it. Even in Roosevelt's day he had to fight the southern "Dixiecrats" on issues like racism. And, different attitudes prevail in different parts of the country. In most of the "corn states", they probably have very little use for what they see happening in urban centers, as has been the case for most of our history. How to make a progressive cause palatable across-the-board is the problem, as it weakens the original intent of the movement. I say stay true to ideals, and maintain a presence, even if it is a smaller faction, at least it might have some influence. That isn't so bad for starters, it's better than being co-opted by those with other agendas.
Most thoughtful and constructive comment I've read all day. Mind if I pass this along? I'll quote you, but more people need to see this.