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Forum Post: This movement is nothing more than Obama supporters engaging in groupthink to stifle decent

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 10, 2011, 11:47 p.m. EST by owschico (295)
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This movement is nothing more than Obama supporters engaging in groupthink to stifle decent



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[-] 3 points by JonoLith (467) 13 years ago

Why would we support the man who campaigned on Change and Hope and then proved to be a complete liar?

[-] 2 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago


[-] 2 points by riethc (1149) 13 years ago

There are some pro-Obama people at OWS, which is weird in my opinion. Not always bad people, but not fully in reality either.

I wish Obama were the person he pretends to be.

[-] 2 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

"...to stifle decent" LMAO Written like a true graduate of Troll Remedial School!!

[-] 2 points by nichole (525) 13 years ago

No, actually OWS protesters are most afraid that the democratic party will co-opt our efforts in President Obama's re-election bid and neutralize a Movement that shows great promise to deliver "Hope and Change."

[-] -1 points by justaguy (91) 13 years ago

If that is true then OWS should immediately distance themselves from the damn unions.

Unions thuggery is beyond ok, and it was the unions involvement that made my 77 year old mother, the most liberal person I know, completely lose any kind of respect for OWS.

She will have nothing to do with anything OWS - and hates what they have tried to do to Grant Park in Chicago.

Guess that goes to the fact that the Teamsters tried to kill my father during a strike at the manufacturing plant he was a VP of.

[-] 1 points by 99percentbrigade (17) from Richmond, CA 13 years ago

my grandfather was ilwu and was a walking boss at the oakland port. And him being a union man hel us to this day even though he passed away. We are just normal people who want a good working wage instead of ceos getting huge payments and workers ggetting minimum wages for dangerous work...

[-] 1 points by TheCloser (200) 13 years ago

I don't care if you vote for gumby so long as you stand up against political corruption - 'oswchico' you are boring everyone with your political oriented rubbish. So what if Obama supporters stand up against corruption? So what if Tea Party folks stand up against corruption? So what if Republicans stand up against corruption? SO WHAT?! Why won't YOU stand up against corruption? Seriously, you can't be satisfied with the condition of the economy and the corrupt politico-bank system.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

What dissent are you speaking of?

[-] 1 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

Dude, they created the dissent. And now they have a forum.

[-] 0 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

du-ude -

that's funny. The fact is that repelicans are the ones providing the dissent.

Thats R.E.P.E.L.I.C.A.N.S.

They provide it with their policies of trickle down economics, and their myths that tax breaks for the wealthy creates J.O.B.S.

and their lies like: . . . there is no global warming . . .

but by all means - keep trying. It's very entertaining.

[-] -1 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

You're one of them aren't ya? You're voting for Obama. And you don't see a contradiction in that? That's pretty funny...

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

That's right, I am voting for Obama. No, I do not see any contradiction in that. Yes I realize that many among the OWS probably will not vote for him, and that's fine. Whatever.

The fact is that I saw the President on tv while he was in Turkey shortly after he was elected. I saw him standing on a dais with the Turkish PM. A cannon went off. He practically jumped out of his skin. I don't believe any of us have any idea how much pressure he's been under these last four years -

and given that he pissed off some very powerful neo-conservative right wing whack jobs by ending the possibility of a 50 year occupation of Iraq - and did so as C.A.N.D.I.D.A.T.E. Obama, with his declaration that if elected he would bring the troops home in 16 months - I'd say the man has balls.

B.I.G. B.R.A.S.S. B.A.L.L.S.

Do I like the fact that he seems to flip flop on the issue of off shore drilling? NO I do not. But the fact is that he continues to return to the theme of needing public support to get Congress to act.

I don't think we should permit any off shore drilling until the oil industry can display a high degree of ethical integrity anywhere they operate anywhere in the world - If they cannot drill the Nigerian Delta - where the people have suffered pollution on an annual basis equal to the BP oil spill every single year

for the last fifty years

without poisoning the landscape then it is clear they will attempt to get away with whatever they can wherever they operate.

Do I like the idea that home heating assistance may be cut in half to appease repelican nimrods and nitwits who insist on balancing the budget without raising revenue?

No I do not. Here in Vermont that raises the very real prospect that some people may actually freeze to death in their own homes. It has happened before. A woman in Southern Vermont was found in her own kitchen, water pipes burst, on her knees frozen to the linoleum.

I think a great deal of the dead lock in Congress today has everything to do with energy policy and very little to do with actual ideological issues over our debt. National debt never came up as an issue under Bush, even as our spending approached a trillion annually to fund war.

And if that is correct, if much of the deadlock is over energy policy, and the push toward energy alternatives, then what do you suppose will happen with a repelican in the White House?

Our march toward oblivion with over 750 ppm atmospheric carbon will continue on with Congress leading the way, playing marching anthems and smiling all the way.

  • nitwits *
[-] 0 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

That's quite a rant...

I am very well aware that many will freeze to death as the result of higher fuel oil prices. But the leader of our "Free World" doesn't have a care. In fact, he wants higher prices.

Heating assistance was highly flawed in that much of the money was going to people with six figure incomes; there was no accountability whatsoever. Chalk if off to the "corruption of man."

The national debt issue did come up under Bush. In fact, I distinctly recall having repeatedly expressed my concern over the national debt from the very beginning. But nobody cared and that includes the present oh so highly exalted one.

I love this sense of the apocalyptic, some new found vision thus revealed... so let me explain:

I'm apolitical; there is no core philosophy, no central theme... I'm very well aware that all vie for my mind on every issue, every created fiction... but in my opinion, all opinion, must rise or fall of its own merits.

I very much support the current deadlock in Congress. Because the vision thus revealed is unjust.

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago


I am very well aware that many will freeze to death as the result of higher fuel oil prices. But the leader of our "Free World" doesn't have a care. In fact, he wants higher prices.

Heating assistance was highly flawed in that much of the money was going to people with six figure incomes; there was no accountability whatsoever. Chalk if off to the "corruption of man."

end quote

You must be a repelican shill - President Obama released oil from the strategic oil reserve to the tune of some 30 Million Barrels - and all the repelicans freaked. This had the consequence of stalling speculation on the oil future's market - precisely because it changed the supply demand in a way speculators hadn't predicted. The price of a barrel fell immediately, in consequence of President Obama's Direct Action on the market - and as I said - repelicans freaked.

Therefore - the first statement quoted above is either a) a classic case of complete ignorance, or b) an outright lie.

Take your pick.

Number Two - the home heating assistance fund works very well. People get their heat even when they don't have the money for it. I have no idea how much of the fund goes toward admin costs - but admin costs generally associated with these kinds of programs don't go to the top one percent. They are often state or federal employees or administrators of non profit organizations. That leaves the purchase of the energy itself.

It doesn't matter who pays for the energy, the money gets funneled through the distributor to the producer - and there is your top one percent. They will get paid weather home heating assistance is funded or not - and they don't give a shit if the elderly freeze to death in their homes or not because it is not their problem. It doesn't even fit into their profit / loss equation.

But you are quite right - Congressional deadlock at this point is quite useful. It will certainly galvanize the public, with the result that more and more news reports will come out exposing the various and myriad repelican lies and guess what?

there's an election coming up!

I'm all smiles . . .

; D

[-] 0 points by justaguy (91) 13 years ago

30 million barrels of oil is nothing at all in the world market. That reserve was intended for national emergencies, not bring the price of oil down a few cents for a few days or weeks.

His killing of the oil pipeline from Canada until at least AFTER the election is not only going to force the Canadians to find a way for China take it but will ensure that there will be a higher cost of gasoline and the tens of thousands of other oil based products that are made in plants all over the US.

He has killed thousands of well paying jobs that would immediately have been created.

[-] -1 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

Seems to me, I distinctly recall Bush snapping his fingers and then sitting back to watch as the cost of oil in our last round immediately plummeted. It happened; I watched; that's a fact. So I am not happy at all with the Obama response to my concerns for the elderly as those who cannot afford fuel oil - they still cannot afford it and winter in the northeast is coming once again.

Much of the money allocated to non-profits went to those that either work in the office or their family and constituents. I witnessed it; I know this for a fact.

"Repelican"? I'm a pretty fair wordsmith; couldn't you have applied a little creativity? In terms of the public's perception of intellect, such juvenile means are denigrating in that they fail the measure of our validity as parties of opposition.


[-] 2 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

Oh how I hate repelicans. They do in deed have a passing acquaintance with truth - like two former lovers who shared a single night, and now in passing face the stark reality they had nothing - not one thing - in common!

Repelicans will only grace our national stage but a short while hence; soon to be laughed to scorn and thence into obscurity shamed and sickened by the sheer weight and volume - the fruit of their on two lips! - of their bald faced lies!

[-] 0 points by zorno (386) 13 years ago

Hah! I don't even like Obama.

[-] -1 points by justaguy (91) 13 years ago

Obama promised he would renegotiate NAFTA.

His economic adviser said he didn't really mean it, but it was what people wanted to hear. She was fired right after telling that little truth.

Mexican trucks started driving US highways a few weeks ago. The latest NAFTA tragedy will put US truckers out of business not to mention facilitate smuggling of people and drugs into the US.

He is not now, nor ever was what people thought he was. He acts like a victim all the time.

I am sick of it. I am tired of hearing his excuses. Nothing is his responsibility. It is the republicans, the tea party, the professional left, the media, the tsunami, Europe, Israel, banks, corporations, and on and on and on.

And just for a jobs encore after taking away trucking jobs, he is going to postpone any decision on the Oil Pipeline from Canada until after the election thereby keeping thousands of well paying immediate jobs out of Americans reach.

The Chinese will be happy to get Canada' oil since we don't seem to want it.

Can this man actually do anything??? He is such a failure but he just goes on, playing golf, taking pot shots, raising a BILLION dollars to be re-elected.

I sure don't like the republicans running, but at this point ANYONE but OBAMA is for me.

[-] -2 points by RexDiamond (585) from Idabel, OK 13 years ago

The "we are not for Obama. We hate him too" is just an act.