Forum Post: This Movement Is Lost
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 2:41 p.m. EST by and123w
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The reason this movement has lost because there are TOO MANY ideas the message is lost.
The mainstream media makes this movement out to be all about making the US equal. THE US SHOULD NOT BE EQUAL DUMBASSES. The movement should solely be about ending the Federal Reserve, this needs to be the focus. Everything that is being protested against as a whole can be fixed by ending the FED. Do people not understand that once you eliminate the FED the US will have money for things that matter? The FED continues to rob all countries of income by taxing them on their own currency printed. You the people are paying the 1% that's what this movement is about. The central bankers are stealing everyone's money and trying to brain wash us. Eliminate the central bankers from your Government. They control the medical system, the education system, the financial system, the food, AND the energy. Don't you people understand the FED bankers are the ones in control and the sooner we eliminate the FEDERAL RESERVE the sooner we fix this broken country being leeched on by the parasite that is the FEDERAL RESERVE.
I'm all for Ron Lawl as 2012 President hes the only candidate that makes any sense. Ron Lawl fights for peace and the people, getting the economy out of the dumps by ending the fed, cutting government spending and getting rid of sections of the government that simply don't need to be there.
Like Ron Lawl says you don't need the government to tell you how to live your life I'm pretty sure we all have a great idea of what is right and wrong some people just choose to dismiss the idea
Great post, but I think they need to occupy the only republics left -- their state houses.
The United States of America, Inc. is a private, for-profit company incorporated in the state of Delaware, and so is the military (it is a separate private company). Private companies don't have to listen to The People; republics do have to listen to The People.
Occupy your state houses and demand that our federal level be un-incorporated in Chancery Court in Delaware, and that it be put into receivership into the hands of The People. Then, the U.S. will no longer be a private company and will have to operate according to the will of The People which is codified in The U.S. Constitution. Your states have to guarantee you a republican form of government. This is a clause written into the state constitutions.
If you tell them that you have not agreed to being ruled by a private company (a consortium of private companies in actually), they have to fix it because it is in their state laws.
This would be a very effective way to bust the federal government back to being a republic ruled by a body of laws instead of a body of tyrannts. You can then have state public hearings and ask the states to fix the out-of-control federal government. You can give the states your demands. But, be reasonable.
A short list of the worse offenses that need fixed. End Corporate Government. End the Wars, End the Fed. End the Income Tax. End Corporate Campaign Finance. Institute a Tobin Tax to Fund the Domestic Assistance Programs. Two Term Limit. Etc.
Don't get crazy with it; Do like Jefferson would want you to do and take the government back by mass action at the grassroots level. The People are the government, and the states Have to respect That and enforce the will of The People. It is the way our system is supposed to work.
Use It.
The FED is there for when we need it
The FED is there to steal your money actually.
Thomas Jefferson said, "If the America people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currencies, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their prosperity until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
The Fed is not your friend, once the fed showed up so did the IRS.
You sir are an idiot
You sir need to grow up and ( amount other things) need to stop living in the past, thease institutions are in place for a reason therefor if there is a problem with them they need to be changed not abolished
You clearly have no knowledge of what the Federal Reserve is I'm done with you. Come back when your educated to the issues rather than talking out your ass. Kthx
Despite my disagreement with almost everything else I've read on this site today, I could get behind a movement to end the Federal Reserve. But not by mob action or camping out in a park - that won't do anything. I am not a Ron P**l supporter and don't want to see him elected president, but supporting his "Audit the Fed" movement would be a good place to start.
So instead of hanging out around the Stock Exchange and blocking bridges, how about going home to call your congressman and ask him to support that?
cause the congress is bought off/controlled by the Fed.
They are not. Some may be, but not anywhere near the majority. Or weren't you aware of the support there is/was for HR 1207?
So much support ... it never became law!?!
But we do have Bernie Sanders amendment to the Wall Street reform law ... which showed the FED shoveling $16 trillion in secret loans to bail out American and foreign banks ...
Giant epic fail. The losers lost.