Forum Post: This looks like a great source of solar-energy. We want to be more independent from oil, coal, and nuclear power, yes?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 12:17 p.m. EST by justwantanaccount
from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
( -- As the use of computers and mobile electronics continues to rise, so does the energy wasted by the devices’ AC/DC adaptors when converting AC from wall sockets to DC for the devices. The London-based company Moixa Technology estimates that more than 1 trillion kwh of global energy is currently wasted every year due to inefficient inverters and AC/DC adaptors. Moixa’s solution is a Smart DC network that uses electricity from window- and wall-based solar panels or off-peak grid electricity stored in batteries to power low-power devices and lights at any time. By minimizing the need for AC/DC conversion, the company predicts that the Smart DC system could decrease users’ overall electricity costs by up to 30%.
(/if you're a physicist/engineer correct me if this technology sucks)
look into Nikola Tesla.. that guy was BAD A.. he had ideas at free energy, but Edison's AC won out at the world fair and in turn, got the green light in the infancy of building our infrastructure/grid. -- watch this
Not now, maybe later.