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Forum Post: This letter was posted on www.tbrnews.org "The Voice of the White House" 12/27/11

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 31, 2011, 2:08 p.m. EST by Renaye (522)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

by Elmer Chen When I attended classes at the Rhode Island School of Design in the 1980’s, I developed a great interest in German militaria through my friendship with a very knowledgeable Virginia businessman. He later told me of his close connections with the Central Intelligence Agency and that he was connected with the Southeast Asia office of that agency.

We became good friends and when I returned to the PRC, we did keep in touch with each other. He visited me in Kowloon upon a number of occasions and we discussed the collecting world and often the political and intelligence fields.

Last year, while visiting, he had a big copy of a special file his department was working with and we read it over and, since it did concern itself with the PRC, I found it more than interesting. This had very detailed information about how the American military intelligence agency DARPA had been working to infiltrate and build defenses against Chinese military computer systems. This covered many technical pages but what I found to be most impressive was a lengthy report about a raging war between the American Army and the Central Intelligence Agency, centered in the Pakistan and Afghanistan areas. According to this, the American Army was very angry with the CIA for its drone bombing attacks on Pakistani targets. They were very upset because the CIA used Army bases to launch attacks against suspected Taliban targets, even if they were inside Pakistan and even if many civilians were killed in these attacks. The reason for the Army’s anger was that the CIA personnel used Army bases to launch their drone attacks and even work US Army uniforms while doing this. The senior military commands were being blamed by the Pakistani government for the killing of civilians when in reality, they had nothing to do with it. Several pages of copies of cables to Washington’s Pentagon showed me very sharply that the Army had protested even as high as the President himself about this and had been ordered by his office to let the CIA do as it pleased. This went very badly with the generals and that was when they began a clandestine war, not against Muslims but against their own CIA!

To do this, they used many tricks but the most interesting one was the use of the Wikileaks program. Mr. Julian Assanage, the head of this group, was Australian and considered to be a brilliant “hacker.” He had been arrested for getting into sensitive sites in Australia and sent to jail for a short time. Later, from 2002 to 2006, when Assange went to the University of Melbourne he had been recruited by the US Army DARPA program that was designed to hack into Chinese military computer sites.

They were very successful at this work and then, with DARPA assistance and support, Assange set up Wikileaks as a vehicle for launching counter attacks against chosen Army targets. .With him were other DARPA people like the dissidents Wan Dan, Wang Youcai, (the founder of the Chinese Democracy Party;) Xiao Qiang, who had become the director of the China Internet Project at the University of California at Berkeley, and Rashi Narngyal Khamsitsang, a leading Tibetan exile. When the CIA blocked any attempt to move them out of American Army bases, the senior military people in the Pentagon opted to thoroughly discredit both the CIA and the Department of State whom they felt were also blocking them. To do this, they resorted to Assange and his Wikileaks and extracted, and sent to him many thousands of very sensitive secret cables. Then deals were made with major news media and we now all know that the release of these secret cables created the so-called Arab Spring with revolts breaking out in Arab countries throughout the Middle East.

This disruption of the Arab world was by no means accidental. In the first place, many of the dictators and their intelligence systems had the active support of the CIA and the Department of State and also the Army was increasingly out of sorts with the state of Israel who was trying to force the President into fighting a war with Iran, solely for the benefit of Israel. The Army felt that its troops were “being systematically destroyed” by fighting useless politically motivated wars and that a war with Iran would finish their morale off for good. So it was very clear that disrupting Israel’s alliances in the Middle East was another specific goal.

They were very successful in this project. Now, many CIA assets are destroyed and Israel is in a very dangerous strategic situation thanks to the situations in both Egypt (which was a specific goal) and with Turkey (which was an unintended goal.)

The reports made it very clear that his young Manning person was an innocent pawn in a larger game and could never have found or sent the tens of thousands of secret cables to anyone. Many of them never went through his intelligence station but because he was deemed as an “unstable and possibly suicidal” person by the Army, it was felt that by ruthlessly tormenting him, he would commit suicide and that he could posthumously be blamed for everything and Assange no longer accused for stealing the cables.

Assange is very clever and it is felt that if he is further harassed by the authorities, he might well confess his DARPA connections. The report said he was to be either placated or killed outright.

That the Chinese military is not, certainly, planning to attack the United States, or any other country for that matter, does not seem to bother the American authorities. Breaking into sensitive PRC systems and manipulating them is very close to an act of war and China cannot permit this to continue. Because the Americans are guilty of this, why naturally they blame the PRC for breaking into their systems in such a self-righteous way. Instead of seeking peaceful avenues of mutual cooperation, certain elements of the American leadership look to damage, insult and provoke those whose only goals are the betterment of their people and to have peaceful and harmonious relations with their neighbors at all times.

Mr. Chen can be contacted at:, chocolfi@netvigator.com, or elmerchen@lukhoitong.com and is most interested in hearing from concerned American friends!

The Pentagon understands that the problem they are dealing with is ultimately the owners of the Federal Reserve Board and their efforts to save their own asses by starting World War 3. A lot of the people in the CIA are also fed up with the crazy stuff they have been ordered to do by their Fed (Council on Foreign Relations) bosses. There is going to be a coup d'etat against these people and the bribed and corrupt Washington political establishment.



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