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Forum Post: This is what's wrong with you, OWS.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 4:29 a.m. EST by xterro (4) from Sydney, NSW
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The things like this, OWS. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/--q9dGwJHFQc/TovG1uFhLOI/AAAAAAAAKGU/CZzgsXKJOzs/s1600/occupy+wall+street.jpg

40k of debt for a college degree is not unreasonable. In fact that's quite normal. If there are no jobs in the field for which you are studying, change to a real degree.

Hell, get a job at McDonald's instead of being a self-righteous, entitlement mentality parasite.

Ayn Rand would be rolling her grave.



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[-] 1 points by metapolitik (1110) 13 years ago

Ayn Rand was a sociopath

[-] 1 points by Joetheplumbed (76) 13 years ago

There is nothing wrong with making a psychopath roll in his or her grave.

Yes, studying some more might be a good idea... if you can afford it that is. Getting a job at McDonald's might be a good idea if you are into empowering the already rich even more.

But I got to hand it to you, self-pity and so on is often contra-productive.

[-] 1 points by xterro (4) from Sydney, NSW 13 years ago

A psychopath? In What sense?

I did not mean studying some more - I meant taking the initiative to do some research on where your degree is going to take you before you begin it. The girl pictured is going to have great difficulty amending her problem now, but if she'd had some foresight it would never have happened in the first place.

Getting a job empowers the rich? What else is there to do? Stay unemployed and remain in faux poverty?

[-] 1 points by Joetheplumbed (76) 13 years ago

Ayn Rand is not hard to diagnose.

Is it not quite hard to know if what you chose to study actually will get you a job? Sure, one can study to a particular type of profession that might seem safer then others but such a course might not really be in line with what you are good at, what you want to perpetuate, or how you would like to spend your probably one short stay here on Earth.

Sure, there is no alternative then to do useful things that will get you and others as much of what they need and want as possible. It must be done in one way or another, but when people organise there is a theoretical opportunity to change the game, and create new possibilities . A person born into a would where everyone is competing must also compete to survive, but if enough people change the game into more or less being about cooperation, new possibilities to live emerge.

[-] 1 points by GrandmaChris (10) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Talk about self-righteous!

[-] 1 points by xterro (4) from Sydney, NSW 13 years ago
