Forum Post: This is what we want!!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 5:20 a.m. EST by THEGREATPIRATEMODERATOR
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we are all in this together. we all have a common hope. we all have a common vision. as thousands soon to be millions we work as one, protest as one, and except the repercussions of our actions as one. in time will rain and soon itll snow, then shall come the heat and still unwavering we will still be out in the streets hollering in the name of the masses that our demands should be met and the better future that we hope to manifest, shall. when the future arrives, equality and justice in our political and capital system will be implemented on all. Though these days just who are thee all? you and I are not all. as of now, because of a recent judical branch decision, everyone including yourself myself and all corporations as entities are considered the humans bound by the laws under the american constitution. under our current political and capitalistic system we as humans have been debased. or rather, corporations as entrepreneurial entities have metamorphosed into a four-headed capitalistic avatar (or as many heads that are on the boards of trustees) nevertheless... the judicial branch have made their decision. we the masses, as well as most of our representatives did not have a say in the matter. yet there is hope! do not feign! this is why we are implementing now what we know needs be done. we know there is a crack in the fixture of wall street and american politics. there is an answer out there even though we all have our own demands and our thoughts on what ought be done. i believe deep within the threads of our frustrations there is a common demand that we can all agree upon. a requisite that the branches of government must oblige us. i believe our stipulation or at least one of our top two should be the repeal of the recent judicial concession that states that a corporation is "a sole entity, a person" with the rights of ownership, enter into contracts, buy/sell property, etc. its says that the corporate person is equal to you, a living breathing human being.
in the first time in american politics the masses should overrule the judicial branch's decision, as revolutionary as it is, and that the new law should define indefinitely and clearly that humans are humans and corporations our corporations. Moreover, corporations as entities, as "persons' should be forever barred as an influence in our political processes.
To achieve healthy capitalism and to protect the people from corporate abuses and corruption a new universal system of labeling of all products and services must be designed and implemented globally. The ingredients of each product or service are composed from not only the physical components but more importantly from the processes involved in the final output.
All corporations and businesses in general must be held accountable and be observed by consumers, employees, the community, and the state departments. For this purpose a tagging system shall be put in place to measure and publicize on any product and any service on the performance of the production business for the total and each of at least the following issues: Executive pay Excessive advertisement Unfair advertisement Labor welfare Unions’ participation Capital distribution Political leverage Environmental responsibility Social contributions Fair play Equal opportunities Financial transparency
Good thoughts. Keep up the struggle.