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Forum Post: This is what NEEDS to be addressed!!!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 9:15 p.m. EST by Diplomacy4Evry1 (123)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Put simply, I believe the whole movement worldwide needs to be centered on the FACT that in a democracy the people are in charge. Government officials need to be reminded that they are not our RULERS but our SERVANTS. Even the title CIVIL SERVANT implies the obvious; an admission entitling them to 'authority' in the 'service of civilians'. This does not give them power over us but grants them distinguishable rights that provide authority to serve the voice of society as a whole. It would seem to me that, we the people, feel the voice of these servants no longer echoes our voice, if indeed it ever has. We are met with disdain for our claim to freedom. Our governments would prefer we keep our noses out of our own business - a fools errand. We are the business, we are the consumer, we are the links in this vast network of supply and demand. The world belongs to us, to all of us. Not just a squandered few who through beauraucratic deployment ASSUME ownership over the material goods and resources of this world. I for one stand by the notion that, given the opportunity, freedom and education, we would prove to our elected officials that a true democracy would outshine the dismal glow provided by imperialism and the competition of capitalism. I'm not talking about abolishing the entire infrastructure we've come to depend on. Rather, to take the system we have in place and adjust its paradigm, which would in turn change the way in which we utilize the infrastructure of civilization. I have ideas for this, as I'm sure many others do as well. Let us cooperate and comprimise. What do you make of what I've said so far? Even though there is still so much more to say. Where do we go from here? Thank you.



Read the Rules
[-] 2 points by Pope (52) 13 years ago

You need a clear message. It should be "If its not in the constitution scrap it."

[-] 1 points by Onihikage (35) 13 years ago

While it would cause a lot of chaos, I'm inclined to agree. We need to hit the reset button on the corporate machine.

[-] 1 points by Diplomacy4Evry1 (123) 13 years ago

There would only be chaos if a resolution wasn't in place when the reset button is hit. With a well defined resolution, Corporatocracy can be dissolved without a hitch.

[-] 1 points by Pope (52) 13 years ago

It's nothing that Americans couldn't handle. This whole generation has been coddled so much they can't do anything without first inserting the government tit into their mouth. This country was founded on principles that hinged on independent resolute Americans, not crybaby money grubbers.

[-] 1 points by Diplomacy4Evry1 (123) 13 years ago

Your comment made me laugh, it's so true. True about the crybabies but also true that Americans could handle it. When all is said and done even the crybabies would wipe their sniveling noses while they took notice to their true power as independent individuals and pursue the power bestowed upon them by birthright.

[-] 1 points by Pope (52) 13 years ago


[-] 2 points by PartyX (202) 13 years ago

this movement is not doing shit as far as I can tell

[-] 1 points by Diplomacy4Evry1 (123) 13 years ago

These things take a little more time. In terms of historical movements, it's goiv quite well. Every major change in the past took years from the onset of the movement.

[-] 1 points by PartyX (202) 13 years ago

the microwave has led people to want instant gratification...

[-] 2 points by GinaLola (210) 13 years ago

Microwave food causes cancer. Seriously. Do not eat out of one or have one in your home. Our dirty government hid the tests concerning this from us for the good of business. Again.

[-] 1 points by PartyX (202) 13 years ago

where do you get these facts

[-] 2 points by GinaLola (210) 13 years ago

Years and years and years of research in the food, chemical, nutrition, herbal and alternative medicine studies. Over 30 years of intense research on all of the related subjects. I hope that you already know not to eat any nano-particle-laced foods, hydrogenated fats, any soy or corn products or animals that have eaten them, no high-fructose corn syrup, no GMO, hormone-laced, cloned or Morgellons-laced foods. They are all deadly. The list of what is left that is safe to eat, grows smaller by the day because of Monsanto buying all of the seed companies around the world so that they could genetically modify every seed on the planet, forcing farmers world wide to have no other choices in what they plant, then allowing Monsanto to collect royalties on every plant and animal on the planet. So you should start growing your own food as quickly as you can. Plant out any land that you have. All I can say is, lots and lots of reading, following the information trails and accumulating thousands of sources. There is the global starvation and corporate-designed food shortages coming next and they have already begun. These policies started with the commodity traders in Chicago years ago to maximize profits on commodities trading by petitioning the US government with special interest lobbyist to lobby the UN in turn, to force all governments worldwide, to stop the emergency stock piling of grains in the events of emergencies. This policy was argued by the Chicago Commodities Board and their Wall Street counterparts, to initiate a real value on commodities being traded, rather than one that was artificially low because of the policy of many governments worldwide in keeping years of grain storage for emergencies. The US forced the UN to the make it illegal for any country to store emergency stockpiles of grain. The weather and other issues have already factored into the world wide food shortage now playing out. All I can say is, take lots of notes because you will become overwhelmed with the volume of information just concerning the few topics that I listed.

[-] 1 points by genanmer (822) 13 years ago

Yes, not to mention the fact that the shifting fresh water tables are adding even more stress to the situation.

Much of our fresh water is being diverted for livestock, agricultural areas, and through bottled water companies. The infrastructure which diverts much of our tap water is very old. Up to half the water diverted is lost to leakages in the aging infrastructure. The exportation of bottled water depletes the water tables further and in many areas these water tables aren't being replenished at a sustainable rate. Exporting agriculture also has a similar effect because crops hold moisture.

The situation of foreign countries with little fresh water is made worse as they export much of their food to us. Gallons of freshwater are devoted to grow a crop which is then exported via oil-based means 100s-1000s of miles to us often to spoil before anyone purchases/consumes it. That's a large waste of freshwater, oil, and food. All of which are becoming increasingly scarce in different areas around the world.

[-] 1 points by GinaLola (210) 13 years ago

So true and so sickening. We are drinking all the pesticide run off into the water tables too. Do you know what they do in Arizona and a few other states? They direct the water into open canals all over the state so it can evaporate in the hot summer sun at the evaporation rate of 99% constant. Then they wonder why they have a water shortage. No kidding.

[-] 1 points by Diplomacy4Evry1 (123) 13 years ago

Have you seen the Dirt movie? Find it at dirtthemovie.org

[-] 1 points by Diplomacy4Evry1 (123) 13 years ago

I sincerely appreciate this kind of input. What many people need is to learn critical thinking practices and get informed.

[-] 1 points by Diplomacy4Evry1 (123) 13 years ago

Yes in many cases that's very true. I'd just like to remind them that patience is a virtue, and probably one of the most important ones in situations like this

[-] 1 points by Diplomacy4Evry1 (123) 13 years ago

Also, any attempt at diplomacy without patience is just a bad argument that doesn't get anywhere. So for the sake of progress, everyone please practice patience

[-] 1 points by ToxicReverend (10) from Santa Rosa, CA 13 years ago

Patience yes. Sorting out the truth from the propaganda helps 2. Strategy up date at Blog:> Good cops gone bad > "Roid a Cops" & outsourced COINTELPRO and their "Agent Provocateurs" http://toxicreverend.blogspot.com/2011/10/roid-cops-takes-advenuters-into-strange.html Excerp (but reference links R only active at the blog)>t:

The propaganda created by outsourced - COINTELPRO and their "Agent Provocateurs" is suspected in playing a role in the conduct of some police. The various law enforcement agencies are Unaccountable By Contract and that is also believed to be a part of the problem.

Edit: November 1st, 2011

outsourced links to: Meet the Guy Who Snitched on Occupy Wall Street to the FBI and NYPD http://gawker.com/5850054/meet-the-guy-who-snitched-on-occupy-wall-street-to-the-fbi-and-nypd

Additional: Occupy Oakland police infiltrators exposed on video. http://redgreenandblue.org/2011/10/30/busted-occupy-oakland-police-infiltrators-exposed-on-video/

Infiltrators of the Occupy Movement


Counter Strategy "In Defense Of Freedom": Moves one and two


Reality Reset:

Regardless of law enforcement and or city officials probably being misled with propaganda from the federal intel agencies and their outsourced COINTELPRO "Agent Provocateurs",

there is nor excuse for censoring free speech. Especially when they deploy their meanest and nastiest law enforcement "goon squads" that give all of law enforcement a "bad rap". Just as it is only a small percent of the homeless, mentally ill and many other stigmatised groups, it only takes a few to give them all a bad perception. I'll get back to that point, later in this blog.

The fact is that Law Enforcement is actually a part of the 99%, regardless of their being aware of it or not. I think one of the things 2 do is to educate them about that (Proverbs 23:23) and the official but censored "Declaration of Demands" that have been voted on at Occupy General Assemblies.

A short Youtube video that explains it well. and the entire official "Declaration of Demands" is read http://youtu.be/tN3o7FH94fc The Declaration of the Occupation, is posted in Google Docs. You can download it here: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B-3axlz6o7heYzRjNDk5Y2YtMGRjNC00MjZlLWJjODctZmE0YjY3MDg0YTJl&hl=en_US Or you can find a copy at the website for the General Assembly of Occupy Wall Street at http://www.nycga.neThe Occupy Wall Street general assembly has issues their official statement of What They Want by a consensus group vote and is an auto reply if you send Occupy Wall Street an e-mail*.

2nd: Adequate Response Strategy that has been shown 2 work:

Occupy Recall Campaigns Today's Toxic Sermon and suggestion is Hit your elected orifice where it hurts Maybe we need Anonymous to call for an Operation Recall

It seems 2 me that we need an Anonymous Operation Recall FYI Basic premise Oakland mayor Recall Strategy Making Occupy Protests Peaceful This evenings local news the other night showed Oakland mayor Jean Quan being bod out of the Occupy Oakland Protest with chats of "Recall Quan, Recall Quan". The police have backed off. *And over at the Occupy San Francisco Protest FIVE of the eleven members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors came down and joined the camp. Police called off the raid at the Occupy San Francisco camp. Group seeks to recall Oakland Mayor Jean Quan http://blog.sfgate.com/inoakland/2011/10/26/group-seeks-to-recall-oakland-mayor-jean-quan/

Recall New York Mayor Mayor Mike Bloomberg http://youtu.be/F3OLAgH1MJg

Mayor recall campaign FAQ Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recall_election

End of edit: November 1st, 2011

[-] 1 points by ToxicReverend (10) from Santa Rosa, CA 13 years ago

Mandatory criminal charges and sentencing against people for the crimes they commit with their corporations. Including the reckless operation of a corporation that results in negligent homicide.

Need editing, but the reference material is vetted and linked in at: http://sites.google.com/site/toxicrevelations/red-collar-crime---american-roulette Reference material: http://sites.google.com/site/toxicrevelations/reference-material

[-] 1 points by Diplomacy4Evry1 (123) 13 years ago

If we include overseas corporate practices, we'd practically need to imprison every major corporation out there. If you were to take a quart of oil, go to the beach and proceed to pour it out on the sand or in the water, you would most certainly be fined and possibly imprisoned. If you did it again or in larger quantities you'd be seeing a substantial jail term.

[-] 1 points by ToxicReverend (10) from Santa Rosa, CA 13 years ago

That is the point. If people were held accountable with madatory charges and jail time for their reckless operation of a corporation, the rest of them would get into line and straighten out.

The facts are that Michael McCann, the longtime district attorney of Milwaukee County, (retired 12 / 31 / 2006) was best known for prosecuting Jeffrey Dahmer. McCann had also prosecuted more than ten corporations for reckless homicide over the last two decades and had won every case 162. But he could not convict any people because of the corporate personhood. Please excuse my macular degeneration, but I have over ten years of R&D thast needs editing. A lot of the best and vetted "Information Dumps" are linked in at

Legislation needed against the "reckless operation of a corporation" to check the "military industrial complex" and the "Red Collar Crimes of American Roulette" http://sites.google.com/site/toxicrevelations/red-collar-crime---american-roulette


The Toxic Reverend aka Tom Krohmer Google + https://plus.google.com/111485701979929741583/about

[-] 1 points by dominapacis (16) 13 years ago

Kudos! I hate when people tell you what your post should have been titled!

[-] 1 points by Diplomacy4Evry1 (123) 13 years ago

Thank you!

[-] 1 points by HitGirl (2263) 13 years ago

A new take on the 'ownership' society: us owning our government!

[-] 1 points by Diplomacy4Evry1 (123) 13 years ago

Well to tell you the truth, we do own it. Only the people have forgotten it and the gOvernmemt would prefer not to remind us.

[-] 1 points by barb (835) 13 years ago

Absolutely correct! It takes time for things to build, repetition is important in what you want changed. Keep it simple so people do not get confused and can easily remember what you are standing for.

[-] 1 points by Diplomacy4Evry1 (123) 13 years ago

Absolutely correct as well! Keep it simple and no matter what, don't give in, don't give up. If you are being ignored, say it again, say it louder. If you are being refused, look them in the eyes and tell them straight, "that ain't gonna fly!"

[-] 1 points by bensdad (8977) 13 years ago

Three organizations – AMONG MANY- NRA and AARP and Tparty have been enormously successful and powerful – by using their votes- WE MUST TOO !


Constitutional amendment: Corporations are not people & Money is not free speech

An absolute minimum corporate tax of at least 20% , excluding all deductions

End Bush tax cuts for earnings over $250,000

Tax capital gains as income

Medicare for all



Then, “grass roots” your issues :

get at least 2 of your friends to also email their congressman & get them to “grass roots” this through repeated generations – till Washington is covered in grass!

The key, of course, is republicans in congress

You can use www.whitepages.com/person
to look up people & addresses & zip codes. Especially in republican districts

Important Note:

they will only pay attention to zip codes in their (House) congressional district or (Senate) state



[-] 1 points by Diplomacy4Evry1 (123) 13 years ago

Corporations Definitely have to lose the status of a person because no flesh-and-blood human being would get away with crimes they commit. We'd be fined out the yingyang or sentenced to life in prison. What would it look like to send a corporation to life in prison?

[-] 1 points by bensdad (8977) 13 years ago

I believe that one of the primary reasons to create a corporation in stead of a company is to shield management from law suits and responsibility

[-] 1 points by Diplomacy4Evry1 (123) 13 years ago

It is a loop-hole they've managed to dig, and I say dig because these corporate deregulations didn't exist when corporations first came into existence. Actually, corporations were very regulated at first and they were primarily created so that groups of people could come together for large-scale projects, for example, building a bridge.

[-] 0 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

His personal assets are financially insulated because he becomes as employee rather than an owner.

[-] 1 points by Disgruntled1 (107) from Kula, HI 13 years ago

Excellent point, i know where i live even the county and state workers feel we are here to keep them in a job and be ruled by them, its actually amazing, on a federal level, the IRS is my only experience and they suck

[-] 1 points by Diplomacy4Evry1 (123) 13 years ago

Yes, isn't it bizarre how civil servants have coalesced into something resembling a, what i like to call, hydra-monarchy - a single ruler with many heads.

[-] 1 points by SSJHilscher (75) from Madison, WI 13 years ago

Thank you, Diplomacy. This is the kind of thing I wish I heard from Occupiers more often. Sadly, they put all the blame on just the plutocrats with no emphasis on the fact that the government is complicit in the crimes.

[-] 1 points by Diplomacy4Evry1 (123) 13 years ago

Exactly! So it's up to us to remind them of their place in society... And to enforce it!

[-] 1 points by guest (68) 13 years ago

damn i wish i said that--
that was beautiful simply beautiful--

i was especially impressed with your statement that the world belongs to us, to all of us--

[-] 1 points by Diplomacy4Evry1 (123) 13 years ago

Thank you, I sincerely appreciate that. It most certainly does belong to us and I for one am not putting up with anyone messing up my backyard anymore!

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

The first step is to remove the photos of the President and Vice-President in all the places they shouldn't be like schools and boarder crossings. In Canada, we don't put photos of our Prime Minister everywhere. That's something totalitarian regimes do so that people learn to respect authority and worship their President.

[-] 1 points by Diplomacy4Evry1 (123) 13 years ago

Interesting point. How about adding transparency to statements the President and other government officials make. Have you noticed how information about policies and politics are always vague, unsupported by facts and honestly sound a lot like high-school popularity contests?

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Yes, that's another good point. Perhaps everything that happens in the Senate and the government should be written out on a website for transparency. Tax dollars should be used to have reporters right there on the fringes and they should type in everything that is being said and done for all to read and comment.

[-] 1 points by Diplomacy4Evry1 (123) 13 years ago

I was thinking more along the lines of, those making statements should stop avoiding the full truth and nothing but the truth. You know, the same that is expected of all of us in a court of law. If they were standing in a court of law while those statements were made, many of them would have been charged with perjury.