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Forum Post: This is not a "Get a Job Hippie" Post: But don't shout for help. Help yourself!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 8:40 a.m. EST by zahid (7)
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These movements have proven to have attracted some very intelligent, articulate, rational and steadfast people. People are the most valuable resource available, corporations know it. They even spend money to tell you they know it, they tell you how much they care about you your family and the well being of the world while they put a soothing jingle to it. What corporations don't have is the kind of know how that can put thousands of p in the streets who haven’t just let out of a rock concert or football game but are actually TRYING to impact the world in a positive way. I have said all of that to say this BUILD BUILD BUILD. Exchange contact information with like minded people and use this time wisely. Think about these words carefully. What you’re doing with your time and ENERGY will determine what will become of the movement and the people in it. If your learning to ask/demand the GOVT for help you will be a dependent of that Govt it's that simple. On the other hand if you are learning to be morally self sufficient, to thrive, to improve your life than your thoughts, words, deeds habits and character must be about it. Build a better world.



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[-] 1 points by FelixDaCatz (3) 13 years ago

Look people. Don't you realize that anyone can start their own business on the internet. The internet is the only thing that is enabling the destruction of the "Old Guard". I quit my job working for the man and now am going at it on my own. It is a time to return to the cottage industry and the internet is providing that opportunity. Instead of sitting around watching the boob tube take some time to educate yourself properly on how to make money online. It is as simple as posting links in various places.

Please watch the below video. It is imperative to understand who the real enemy of the state is and how they got into power. This is what the OWS movement needs to focus on because once this powerful corporation is defeated we can go after the mega corporations who rely on the central banks of the world to stay in operation.


[-] 1 points by demcapitalist (977) 13 years ago

That was a nice but irrelevant lecture. I've been angry for years as I've studied and learned the details of the irresponsible money grab on wall street over the past 2 decades. The folks from OWS are a physical manifestation of that collective anger. Not all of them know exactly why they are angry but they are learning. Protests like these mobilize people and ideas and I support them. I think people are learning more every day due OWS and forums like this.

[-] 1 points by JWX (14) 13 years ago

I don't think it was irrelevant. I've been angry, too.

I think OWS is a wonderful thing. I also think that this country has been awaiting a wake-up call. I agree that WS has been on a money and power grab for years. But I also understand that people have for decades been migrating towards Wal-Marts, and away from the local businesses, because it was cheaper in the short term. And Wall Street has gotten rich off of OUR money... Every dollar we spend at Wal-Mart, Home Despot, Bed/Bath, or any other publicly traded big-box corporate chain, contributes to the stock value of those companies. I've spent money there, too, because I bought into the sales pitch.

The power of Wall Street derives from the money we've given them. We don't have to do business with publicly traded companies. But we do. It's been easier to fill our homes with crap from a publicly traded company, than to spend the extra money that's required to buy from Harry's Hardware, or Penni's Supermarket. And it's been easier to pay with a credit card from a publicly traded bank who will charge massive amounts of interest, than to spend only the cash that we have. The end result is that it's been easier to feed Wall Street than to feed our neighbors, and now our neighbors are in the street with the rest of OWS because we’ve allowed their businesses to fold, and let the profits go to Wall Street, instead of Main Street.

I hate the Tea Party. But they've shown that organized political action can work. OWS has shown that an organized effort to show up on the street can work, too... but the Tea Party, alas, has accomplished more. As a country, I think a lot of us have allowed ourselves to become complacent with tracking where our money goes... and how our government works. Basic economics isn't taught in schools. And civics classes aren't taught anymore. We need to change that.

Local politics are in bed with big business. We need to change that, too, because it’s more insidious and more effective than anything they’ve stolen in congress.

Meanwhile, the police are coming, and they'll eventually get people to go home.

But there's a really important lesson to bring home: If it's possible to survive in the streets, it's possible to survive the kind of lifestyle that supports local businesses, and moves our money (for the most part) collectively out of the publicly traded cash registers. It’s possible to get everyone on the same page, and from there to effect change.

It's more expensive, short-term. But looking out for each other always is.

[-] 1 points by demcapitalist (977) 13 years ago

Agree ! I spent forever looking at new living room chairs till I found out Lay-z-boy still make thier's in America. I paid a bit more but I also got a good quality product that I can get parts for if anything breaks,and I got a good night's sleep knowing I helped make a paycheck for fellow countrymen. When I'm in the city I rarely go to a chain supermarket, somuch good stuff at the farmers market. RE wall street There's stocks, simple bonds(GOV MUNI's and corporate),commodities and gambling. There's a bunch of pigs wearing lipstick dressed as bonds that also belong in the gambling category. It's the gambling that has caused America's banking problems. If you get some time do a bit of work studying derivatives AKA "financial weapons of mass destruction" (thank you Warren Buffet) It's also the leverage the banks were allowed to use. Trust me when I tell you that wall street doesn't want you to understand this stuff because there's a lot of money to be made there. Corzine's MF Global disaster last month lets us know that nothing has changed. This is a good place to start http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=102325715 information is power