Forum Post: This is NOT a Democrat or Republican Issue
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 12:20 p.m. EST by bethlany88
from Vancouver, WA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Democrats and Republicans alike have failed the American people. United we stand, divided we fall! This issue was created due to Neither parties doing what it takes to implement policies and procedures that benefit the 99%. Us occupy supporters are of all polital views, age, race, gender, creed, etc. Let the 99% stand up and let our voices be heard as a collective for the benifit of the 99%. Come together and refuse to be silenced until the leaders of this Nation and of this World take notice and make the necessary changes that will benifit our world as a whole! We are of many views, but of ONE Humanity!!!
I believe campaigns should be limited to TV debates with all candidates in attendance to answer charges.
They should be funded by the public and TV COMMERCIALS OUTLAWED!!!!!
Politicians that write legislation for corporations in secret (such as ALEC members) should be subject to arrest.
An attempted petition to do just that. Give it a sign ^^
Democracy, not corporatocracy! Shall we consider attempting to revolutionize our democracy by experimenting with a grass roots, purple finger vote within Occupy? Let's build a much needed consensus within the movement and establish a hamonious voice?
Why doesn't the homepage of this website simply state that #OWS is strictly non-partisan? Why?
Because it is partisan, 99% against the cleptocrats.
It does say "Occupy Wall Street is leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions. The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99%"
But where you have people accustom to the divide of America, you will always get their dividing opinions as well. But hey this IS America and OWS stands for peoples right to speak their opinions and this includes dem, repubs, and independents alike. Those of us who wish to not be divided will stand strong and never BE divided no matter our opinions or views. ;-)
That sentence is missing the word "ages" and should include it since the movement covers all age groups. It is one thing to say the 99% includes all political persuasions. That declaration says what it is but it doesn't say what it is not. It is unambiguous and definitive to also say that #OWS is strictly non-partisan in bold letters lest anyone believes #OWS is the activist wing of the Democratic Party, which is a recurrent criticism and attack on the movement as can be seen in a multitude of posts in this forum. It is hard to understand why #OWS should not clearly assert that it is strictly non-partisan, thus deflecting the repeated criticism that is aligned with or supported by any political party.
Maybe thats because they understand that some in the movement are affiliated with one party or another and dont wish to alienate them, and being a person who is dem, repub, or otherwise does truly represent the 99%...i mean look at America...a large percentage IS Dem, Repub. However from the studies 70% of supporters/participants of OWS are Independandts.
I agree, it works to their advantage to keep us divided
There are a lot of people on this site that are still trying to do that
Let them try as they may, but people with a heart of peace will not take the bait. ;)
That is why I support OWS. It is the first time, ever, that I have hope for Citizens of the U.S. and citizens of the World. I still have hope and wan't major change. I usually vote for people that I believe in, though they have no hope of winning. I voted for Obama because he was young and he talked a good game (first time I voted for a major party in 8 years). I honestly think he is trying, in the confines he has. If he wants to be a successful President, then he needs to ignore his "backers" and acknowledge the people that voted for him. I have hope and I want major changes, but he had better not use that for his next campaign. He blew it.
Well said. Let's try to keep this at the top of the pile of posts.
How do you go about keeping this on the top
I would really like to see this hang around awhile
It goes to the top every time there is a new reply.
Thanks I was wondering why forums would disappear so fast
Will do. ;)
Yes we need to keep the focus on what people actually need: Fresh food, pure water, a living environment and healthy relationships.
Occupy your Motherland!
I found your. A agree agree with your statement, it really does say it all
Thanks! ;)
So what do you think about this
The whole reason we are protesting is because the collusion between the government and the corporations. Do you think our government represents us or the corporations as their first priority
They talk a good talk as if they do support us, however their hands haven't yet been forced to walk the walk. Praying Occupy Wall Street can help facilitate that!
Amen brother, I am with you. I don't believe in religion (It's another of man's control mechanism) but I know God does answer our prayer
I believe in Christ but not a regular church goer myself, just dont fit in so well but what I love about the movement IS the diversity and having the right to our individual views and opinions while still maintaining the goal of supporting the best inetrest of the people as a whole.
Wow that almost sounds like the game plan the founders had.
Must have been the pesky old divide and conquer tool (the media) they have been using on us since the invention of the newspaper and radio
Yes, when I want to know whats going on in the world, I take to the internet. Pull up different views and perspectives on each subject so I have a chance at an educated opinion. With the media you get the views of the ones they lie in bed with...big corporations and politicians....always bias and one sided. The messages they propagate is most certainly to keep us divided. I'll take UNITED thank you!
Let me pass something on to you a person posted today This will blow your mind. It is a professional produced expose on how the stock market crashed and the outright thievery that caused it. It includes footage of all the players and explains their roles
It’s fairly long, but if you play it in another window while blogging you will be sickened and disgusted. ------- you will have all the insight you will ever need to understand how America ended up here
ok do you have the link?
Sorry, I guess it didn't paste
You might like this idea:
I'll check it out. Thank you.
It's an American issue, and the Dems and Repubs are the problem.
Wish we could just do away with parties all together and just have Candidates who say I am an American and this is what I stand for. Take down the divide...
Yep, I agree. The fact that we're supposed to be either 1 or the other is asinine. No one in their right minds is 100% for either side, because if they are, they're either just sheep, or stupid. That's my opinion anyway.
Lol and this is america after all so you should be entitled to your opinion. ;-)
Excellent post. we need to focus 100% of our effort on Wall St. and not at politicians. It would be far to easy for the energy behind this movement to be misdirected at the President.
Without targeting Washington in a large numbers as well as Wall Street is to miss the primary target; i.e., our elected officials who sold us out. Washington is the seat of power in this country. It is the root of our problems since our representatives betrayed our trust. Is it is deemed more important not to embarrass favored government officials?
I agree we need to take it to the government until they take notice and are moved to act on behalf of its citizens.
Thank you. I was concerned from comments above that you and others were more worried about embarrassing President Obama than marching on Washington. Politicians from both parties have sold us out. Make no mistake.
Oh no! My intention on posting this forum post was to let it be said that this should not be about one party or another, but about us all being Americans who need the Government as a whole to take notice of the Americans desires and needs. We have been screwed imho no matter which political party has been in office because they have often not acted on behalf of the people, only upon their own agenda. Government should not be allowed to EVER make crucial decisions for our country without first allowing the people it governs to have a voice and say in the matter. Ide love to see "parties" go away in general and just have candidates or elected official who state I am an American and This is what I stand for and desire to make happen. Im not worried about the president or anyone in government, im worried about the American citizens of the USA and their voices being heard and acted upon, such as it should be in a truly democratic society.
Well put.
thanks ;)