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Forum Post: This is NOT a crisis

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 4:19 a.m. EST by AntonioJGCruz (5)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I understand that this historical moment we are living, doesn’t correspond – as strategists and official leaders are still claiming – to a crisis, but to the collapse of a civilisation and the emergence of another. And do you know how I understood it? Well, quite easily: when, as in all the decadent civilisations that have preceded us, politicians and even intellectuals and academics, instead of seeking options and solutions all started searching for scapegoats and fighting between each other like a circus sport. And since dishonesty is what rules in that situation, along with the desire to preserve a civilisation that no longer has anything to offer, the following become fashionable and in this order: a couldn’t care less attitude among parents, cynicism among youth, escapism among the elderly, nihilism among thinkers, and sophism among the people’s representatives. Fortunately, young people had children and these are no longer consumerist and indifferent. And they seek symbolic grandparents to guide and support them. This is another generational bridge, which is very fashionable for finding level-headed solutions for everyone.

From the book 'Yes, I'm outraged! Now what?' If you want, get free access at: http://tulga3000.com/obras/yes-im-outraged-now-what/



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[-] 1 points by suslov (7) 13 years ago

But winner is different this time.It is us,perhaps.

[-] 1 points by AntonioJGCruz (5) 13 years ago

I hope so, suslov!

[-] 1 points by suslov (7) 13 years ago

No this is not a critical moment.We are just repeating the history.http://vvstore.jp/i/vv_000000000022720/