Forum Post: This is enough! Get an agenda!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 3:28 p.m. EST by anubis
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This is too much. All I see across Liberty Plaza is a grand effort to set up a small city. It looks like a settler fantasy. Stop it. Get an agenda and push it through. Make a single, specific demand. Chant it day and night. Otherwise you'll die out. That's exactly what they are hoping.
You don't know how many millions you have inspired across the globe. Don't disappoint them.
Pushing the agenda through is the difficult part. Getting organized is the first step and it is probable that no one here knows what is going on behind the scenes if indeed anything is going on at all. If you want to keep the 99% on your side, it is hard to focus on anything since every proposal is subject the a million opinions and it becomes immediately apparent that there is no issue that 99% approve of. One recent report supporter the thesis that more people blame Congress or the Federal Govt. than blame Wall Street. The number that blamed Wall Street is probably far less than 75% which is a far cry from the 99% claimed here. The 99% is essentially a metaphor distinguishing between the Very wealthy or the Plutocrats versus everyone else who is assumed to share the view of being anti wealthy or anti-Plutocracy.
Maybe making a small city is what its all about. Content must = Form. Don't ask for a more decentralized, transparent, environmentally minded world unless you are willing to try and make it. I support the Occupy movement and any attempt to come together and form a new physical system to match our political aspirations.
But if you are looking for something in writing, codification is an eventual step, then check this out. Don't know where its coming from but I like the general ideas emphasized:
i'll be waiting for it. my news agency might not be the world's biggest, but its the biggest in Bangladesh. We're gonna make a headline as soon as you put up demands.
well how long?
I agree, it's kind of silly it's taking this long to find a true unifying principle among the protesters. It's not like that one demand will be the final and only demand we could make in our entire lives.
Make one demand now, and we'll bring about the rest later.
We're working on it Look up petition workgroup. We are writing it as we speak.