Forum Post: This is about Corporations Having Control of Our Government, Our Lives...
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 12:44 a.m. EST by crv2012
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This is about Corporations Having Control of Our Government, Our Lives... They've taken control of every aspect of our society.
I don't even think they have done it intentionally... Its just the result of the system we have allowed to develop here.
And it's about time somebody stood up, as the American people are.
OK corporations: Good/Bad/Neutral?
Bad? They wield disproportional influence withing government, spend money in order to protect their interests and influence the minds of the people via media sources. Control most of the money in the world.
Good? Corporations (as a collective) are willing to invest in new technologies, promote advancement through hard work, promote the sciences, promote education.
Neutral? We the people chose this path, we the people desired the advantages that corporations give us. They are a tool of our own making, a tool that we can control if we have the desire.
Choose your path with care, support them and they grow stronger, break them and we grow weaker, change them and everyone wins
Corporate Free Speech There needs to be better corporate representation. Money is speech. Every individual, even individual stockholders, "ownership," has a right to free speech. Free speech means no one can force or prevent an individual's speech. Ownership has the right to direct the corporation's speech and political contributions. Majority control of contributions may violate an individual's free speech. Corporate management can speech for the corporation, but ownership needs to authorize that speech. No speech or money spent on political contributions may be made without ownership authorization and such contributions must be taken from the individual's dividends. No dividends means there is no allowance for contributions. Corporate management must poll the ownership to determine the amount and placement of all individual stockholder directed contributions. The assignment of all corporate contributions must be made public so that ownership can verify the correct placement of their contributions. Management can not make contributions on the behalf of nonresponsive ownership and thus can only make contributions for which they have been directly authorized.
Money is speech. Corporations are people, because people get the money. Free speech means people are not forced to pay for someone else's speech. Corporations may not force to pay or deny dividends, to a person who does not approve of money spent on speech. Corporations may only spend money on speech that is taken, by approval, from the people who get the money. Every person who gets money, from the corporation, must approve the money spent on speech, in order to protect the right to free speech. Since the money spent on speech is identifiable with a person then that money is subject to caps associated with that person and must be reported. Also, tax consequences flow, to each person, for tax exempt contributions. If the corporation feels that the cost of polling and reporting the money spent on speech is prohibitive, then the corporation is prohibited from spending on speech. Corporations spend money on product ads and any political placement in a product ad must have unanimous consent of ownership.
I find these truths to be self evident and agree with your main premise that Corporation have to much control of our government and create a conflict of interest. I suggest that the reverse is also possibly true. The award winning documentary film " Inside Job" sheds light on the financial meltdown and why it happened (Greed). The main point is that Government has no business being involved in Corporations and Corporations have no business being involved in Government. Our government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth (Not a government of corporations, by corporation, for corporations). Just as we found there was no place for Government involvement with Religion and visa versa, we have the 1st Amendment "Separation of Church and State". Therefore we should move for another Amendment of "SEPARATION OF CORPORATIONS AND STATE"! There is no room for one meddling in the other. The governments role is to create laws to protect the people from Greedy Corporations that steal our money and livelihood.
We should organize a Fourth Continental Congress. Each Congressional district could elect a delegate to convene a shadow Congress in Philadelphia on July 4, 2012 to vote on a platform demanding, among other things, the return of our Democracy from the corporations and the politicians they have purchased. Let's vote out the current "11% Congress" in toto on November 6, 2012 and ban all private political contributions in favor of public campaign financing. The corporate control of our Democracy will end with the banning of private money in politics in both elections and while in office.
We should... we should organize a constitutional convention as provided for in our constitution... to repeal the 16th ammendment, ban corporate influence in politics and strengthen and reinforce our liberties and civil rights
I completely agree! i'd like to add its money in politics. Sense Ronald Reagan the money in Americas political system has exploded! its no surprise our government believes what they believe. ONE DEMAND CHANGES EVERYTHING " NO MORE MONEY IN POLITICS" Their literally for sale!
Sitting in (occupying buildings) is one of the best ways to stand up.