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Forum Post: This is a message from Unanimous

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 11:53 a.m. EST by unanimous (38)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

All United States Citizens realize there is something really wrong with our country but unlike the OWS movement we the true Patriots all are unanimous on core beliefs,which I know will offend a lot of the globalist and leftist and right but this is about the USA as a whole.

Unanimous demands are:

1 bring home the troops

2 secure our borders (unlike what OWS wants they want no borders)

3 deport all illegal immigrants (unlike what OWS wants they want amnesty for illegals)

4 we approve of gun ownership (unlike OWS that wants guns taken away from citizens)

5 2 term limits on all politicains,no politician can hold any elected position for more than 2 terms

6 if any politician is caught taking money from a lobbiest or any person or group to buy their vote they get tried for treason and if found guilty they are executed

7 bring current and former politicians up on wars crimes that have beend committed and crimes against humanity world wide

8 no future trading on wall street

9 english is the language of the land no more catering to non speaking english groups under the political correctness umbrella

10 no prescription can be sold for more than double of actual cost of making it

11 no more aid to any country no exceptions

12 get rid of TSA,DHS,FEMA

13 reform main stream media and put guidelines in that if they do not tell the truth and have proof they are they will lose their credentials and will not be able to air.

14 college tuition reform,make a set tuition for any college no matter how great one might think it is

15 no more political parties

16 we do not have any problem with gays getting married

more to come but I will end with this




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[-] 2 points by VTSupportsYou (108) 13 years ago

Pretty much your entire list speaks to a mindset that still believes we can somehow be a part of the world yet be apart from it. This is no longer possible on our planet. We are too many and the world is a small place. There MUST be a paradigm shift if the human race is to survive and our children and grandchildren and great grandchildren are to have any semblance of a planet left to live on.

You draw your line and stand over there in the old paradigm. I'll be on this side moving ahead. Thank you.

[-] 0 points by unanimous (38) 13 years ago

Its ok this is only for the Unanimous people and we understand that the OWS and Anonymous are not us an do live in some delusional vision that everything will be better with no borders and no guns and to give the 1 percent more power. We at Unanimous live in the real world

[-] 2 points by PandoraK (1678) 13 years ago
  1. secure our borders (unlike what OWS wants they want no borders)

Exactly how do you propose to do this? For years we have had free border crossings with Canada, we've moved product both into and out of there, we have tourism both to and from Canada, our land access to Alaska is via Canada. Mexico has been different yet there still similarities.

  1. deport all illegal immigrants (unlike what OWS wants they want amnesty for illegals)

We have a great number of 'illegals' who were brought here as children/infants, they are largely unaware that they are 'illegals'. They are in essence American citizens. Where, in this philosophy is there room for them?

  1. we approve of gun ownership (unlike OWS that wants guns taken away from citizens)

There is 'gun ownership' and there is gun ownership. The guy with the .30-.30 is fine, the guy with the full auto might be a problem. Handguns, which for the most part is the larger issue, can be of the home protection variety or they can be of another variety all together. I have yet to see anything about guns in general mentioned by OWS with the exception of 'user submission' postings.

  1. if any politician is caught taking money from a lobbiest or any person or group to buy their vote they get tried for treason and if found guilty they are executed

Here there is a specification of money, lobbyists usually don't offer cash, there are campaign funds, donations to pet programs, trips, tickets to events just to name a few items that are offered for favorable legislative actions for the lobbyist's clients. Execution is a harsh sentence for bribery and the acceptance there of, which is not an actual act of treason, no matter what individuals think.

  1. no more aid to any country no exceptions

Foreign aid. Foreign aid is building good relations with other nations, nations which we may at some point in the future desire to work with or to trade with...isolationism is not an answer to any of our issues.

  1. get rid of TSA,DHS,FEMA

TSA would no longer exist without the DHS, so including it is rather redundant. FEMA on the other hand is a national program to aid portions of our nation that have experienced a disaster of large proportions. Rather than 'getting rid' of it, perhaps more closely defining it's mission would be a better choice.

  1. no more political parties While a nice idea, most likely not practical. People have always identified with one or another group, even when that group only minimally meets their ideas and thought processes. What would you suggest to replace them?

  2. reform main stream media and put guidelines in that if they do not tell the truth and have proof they are they will lose their credentials and will not be able to air.

How about we divide the segments of news broadcasting, to actual news and then distinguish commentary from it? We could require all news broadcasts to present both sides of each 'story' leaving the opinions of the viewers to form themselves based on full disclosure.

I agree with AuditElmerFudd, you argue for both expansion and curtailment with absolutes for both sides of the argument.


[-] 0 points by unanimous (38) 13 years ago

I argue reality ,as for the illegal kids you all like to throw out everytime someone brings up the illegal immigrants, it is not my problem that their mother and father tried to have an anchor baby to keep themselves here,,we could offer the kid instant citizen ship but mo and dad need to go or they could take their kid and at anytime the kid could come back. As for guns i have a right to a bazooka if I want who are you people to decide what kind of weapon I can have,,,,,,Fema is just another police state tool and if you can not see it I feel sorrry for you ,,,,,,How to secure the borders you ask well if we have all our troops home they would most likely do a great job at it,,,,as for lobbyist and their give away money,trips,donations are alll the same if it influeneces their vote and it can be proven then it is treason and they should be put to death,,,,,,,,stop hating USA we are still 1 and still strong and we will not go for open borders trust me

[-] 1 points by PandoraK (1678) 13 years ago

For some reason I don't think I will trust you with a bazooka.

[-] 0 points by unanimous (38) 13 years ago

maybe me with a bazooka would be your only savoir one day,,,you might want to be careful for what you wish for things are going to change and change fast and those gun owners you all despise so much might be the ones saving your life

[-] 1 points by PandoraK (1678) 13 years ago

You presume much. I own guns, I just don't need to have bigger and better toys to brag about.

[-] 0 points by unanimous (38) 13 years ago

but what do you care what other people have I just don't get it,,if a crazy person is going to kill they will kill and its that simple why the fear of guns

[-] 1 points by PandoraK (1678) 13 years ago

Let's see...full auto vs .30-.30...

[-] -1 points by unanimous (38) 13 years ago

see what who cares

[-] 1 points by Cocreator (306) 13 years ago

Together We Stand, Divided We Fall, We Are United in a common struggle,against the same corruption..We are One, One Big Dysfunctional Family, Dysfunction by design, out of balance with the Natural Law.. Natural Law says You don't take more than you need, You reap what you sow, Respect for all living things, love and be loved..Mans law thinks it can supercede Nature's Law.. The fruits of our labor in love, not the fruits of fraud and manipulation, will build a better world..

[-] 1 points by stuartchase (861) 13 years ago

And let's stop here while we are at it:


[-] 1 points by stillkoolin (4) 13 years ago

The day they take our guns is the day we lose our country

[-] 1 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

They already took our guns

[-] 0 points by raines (699) 13 years ago

You would willing give up your guns?

[-] 0 points by unanimous (38) 13 years ago

no body that is sane would give up their guns but OWS wants them taken away from citizens,,,

[-] 0 points by raines (699) 13 years ago

Disarm the people and you pave the way for fascism.

[-] 0 points by unanimous (38) 13 years ago

yep but tell OWS supporters that and you will be ridiculed

[-] 0 points by raines (699) 13 years ago

Ignorant people can learn but you can't fix stupid.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago


Mahna Mahnama - The Muppet Show with lyrics


[-] 1 points by kingscrosssection (314) 13 years ago

Number 8 and number 14 are the only ones I have problems with. As much as people dislike it, Wall Street does have and income. I would say make sure it is taxed with no loopholes. As for colleges, they are businesses. You go to college for the purpose of learning and you pay what you have to pay to go to a better college.

[-] 0 points by unanimous (38) 13 years ago

yes of course no loop holes I will be writing more in a bit just wanted to get the ball rolling,,,wall street is crucial to the country I know this but futures are not

[-] 1 points by kingscrosssection (314) 13 years ago

Well hurry up and post the new ideas please. I like the way they sound.

[-] 1 points by Gbus (80) 13 years ago

The whole English language thing and the deport all illegal immigrants make you seem like a white supremacy group or similar, I like most of it but it's very dictatorship like.......how about just create some moral laws.......and...execute ?..tried for treason?.....why not torture instead......execute is no suffering...lol...c'mon man this list is kindof insane....and....do away with groups like FEMA?.......sure but......why not eliminate groups like the FDA, the EPA,. and the NOAA, considering they are created by and for the corporations to protect the corporations responsible for poisoning and tainting the food and environment so they don't get criminally charged......duh......BP would have definitely gone under with criminal charges for that oil gusher hadn't they had legal protection from the FDA....which was testing the seafood to for safe consumption, they lied.... the EPA, who hid the truth to protect them from charges, and the NOAA, for ignoring shit like this and lying about it to protect them......c'mon guys get with it .....whoever controls the flow of money, and the food supply, has their thumb up your ass..........

[-] 0 points by unanimous (38) 13 years ago

who says we are white,black,or hispanic we are Unanimous ,we speak the truth and we agree on ending many of the thing you mentioned as stated that is just the beginning of the demands and more to come. As for english being spoke it is meant for in the work place and during town meeting so everyomne can communicate. If I went to a different country do you think they would changes all signs to my language just because I showed up,come be realistic english should be a mandatory spoken language in the USA

[-] 1 points by KnaveDave (357) 13 years ago

It would serve none of us any good to have multiple official languages. So, yes, all citizens need to learn English, and the government and businesses should expect to conduct business in English. The country will be more fractured if people all conduct business in the native language they bring to this country. That will actually create more tension and racism because we will not even understand each other in order to communicate. Most immigrants for the past few centuries have had no issue with learning English.

--Knave Dave http://TheGreatRecession.info/blog

[-] 0 points by unanimous (38) 13 years ago

thank you for supporting Unanimous and not being slaves and doing the dirty work of the NWO like anonymous and the OWS supporters are. WE WILL BE BACK WITH MORE DEMAND VERY VERY SOON. "EXPECT IT"

[-] 1 points by KnaveDave (357) 13 years ago

I don't see, though, why you thinks OWS is against the things on your list. You write that they are, even after many OWSers here have said they agree with many of your points.

--Knave Dave http://TheGreatRecession.info/blog


[-] 1 points by Vooter (441) 13 years ago

I'm an OWSer, and I don't have too many problems with your list. Unlike you, I have no problem with immigrants--illegal or otherwise--because for the most part, they're doing the jobs that lazy white Americans simply won't do (or, more accurately, won't do for now--I guarantee you that five or ten years from now, plenty of white Americans will be MORE THAN HAPPY to pick lettuce). I also don't have a problem with people speaking languages other than English. How is someone speaking Spanish, or a sign printed in Spanish, affecting your life? Both of these things can probably be attributed to the fact that I've lived in NYC most of my life, and am completely used to being around people of different cultures, colors and races, but other than that, we probably have more in common than you think....

[-] 0 points by unanimous (38) 13 years ago

i grew up in the boston area my whole life and have been around many different groups to but for the most part people try to speak english while at work. As for work that white people won't do I think you meant to say Americans right or are you a racist,,anyways that whole argument is a dead one pay a fair wage and Americans will pick lettuce or do anything,,,example how illegals destroy us economy is a roofer made 19 an hou about 7 years ago now they make 9 because illegals brought the scale down and illegals send money home but live off of gov assistance and deplete its fund for the CITIZENS

[-] 1 points by Vooter (441) 13 years ago

It's not the illegal immigrants who have brought wages down--it's the decision by the United States 80 years ago to take the dollar off the gold standard that has doomed the workers in this country. You see, back in 1933, economist Maynard Keynes convinced FDR that the best way to get America back on its feet would be to decouple the dollar from the gold standard. That way, the United States could print and spend as much "money" as it wanted to, whenever it wanted to, wherever it wanted to, forever (including, for example, on armaments in WWII). Of course, SOMEONE would have to pay for all of the increasingly worthless Monopoly money that was being printed, and that someone would be YOU AND ME, through the backdoor tax of chronic inflation. The government knew that if inflation grew by 2% or 3% a year, most Americans wouldn't really notice, ESPECIALLY if wages inflated by roughly the same amount. And they were right! So the U.S. government happily continued to devalue the dollar (by printing trillions of non-gold-backed dollars) year after year after year, and this is exactly how the scam rolled on merrily for about 70 years, with Americans proudly proclaiming their "exceptionalism" and their cleverness at being able to figure out how to be so...ahem..."wealthy." But then...OOPS! Over the last decade or so, some TWO BILLION people around the globe have decided that they, too, want to get in on the capitalism party--that they, too, want to have McMansions, and jacuzzis, and BMWs. The only problem is, those people are willing to do the same work that we do--but for salaries that are only 10-20% of what we Americans are used to getting! UH-OH... Now, if you're a corporation, who you gonna pay? A fat, debt-ridden American who's demanding $80,000 a year, or a lean, hungry person from India or Malaysia who's willing to do the same job for $15,000? I'll let you answer that one... So before you go off on those "job-stealing" illegal immigrants, take a look at the real culprits: the U.S. government, the Federal Reserve, and the bankers, all of whom have spent most of the last century getting rich off of YOUR LABOR--and your increasingly worthless paycheck....

[-] 1 points by kingscrosssection (314) 13 years ago

If we had not taken the dollar off the gold standard then we would not have been able to trade with anyone else. Also we would have been limited to the amount of money we could actually have because gold is a nonrenewable resource. This would be disastrous considering the population size.

[-] 0 points by unanimous (38) 13 years ago

and I agree with most of what you said but sticking up for illegal immigrants is nonsense and if you do not see how they have effected this economy then i feel sorry for you. Nafta began the downfall of this country well was a crucial part ,trickle down didn't help much either, and the cute words like outsourcing jobs and undocumented workers were alll part of the elites way to make people not notice that the USA was being raped. The federal reserve is a joke and need to be anded every sane person agrees on that one, the gold standard will never happen again because there is not eneough gold and not only that gold is basically worthless in all reality, it is good for nothing that in critical for existence

[-] 1 points by KnaveDave (357) 13 years ago

Unanimous, while I don't agree with all he/she said, is right about illegal aliens bringing down wages and right about that being the ONLY reason there are jobs "Americans won't do." The fact is that some areas of the economy have had largely migrant work forces (and even largely ILLEGAL migrant work forces) for decades. As a result, wages in those areas have been stagnant for decades, too. American's are not willing to enter poverty rolls in order to have a job. Many illegal immigrants are, as it beats their alternatives. So, the wages become worse and worse over time compared to other areas of the economy that have not depended on migrant workers. Since it is "illegal," it should be stopped. That or be honest and make it legal for all non-citizens to come here and work (and then watch all other sectors of the economy drop to wages that will not support a family).

--Knave Dave http://thegreatrecession.info/blog/2011/11/bushwhacked-by-the-bush-tax-cuts-for-the-rich/

[-] 0 points by unanimous (38) 13 years ago

thank you KnaeDave and that our point and we at Unanimous understand people like you and us are the majority and we live in the real that understand that the USA can not absorb 200 million more people atleast within a 1 year under the open borders ideas of OWS and Anonymous. We understand they live in a fantasy world where it might sound nice but it is unreasonable and would kill this country but as most are starting to figure out OWS and Anonymous are for the NWO and one global government. So thanks you Dave for being a true American.

[-] 1 points by KnaveDave (357) 13 years ago

No problem. I just think, however, that many here in the OWS movement would agree with many of the planks in your platform ; )

--Knave Dave http://TheGreatRecession.info/blog

[-] 1 points by seeker (242) 13 years ago

Ilike most of it..I dont like the border imigrant bit..but thats my bias as i have been an illigal all my adult life.

[-] 1 points by kingscrosssection (314) 13 years ago

Why the hell are you posting?

[-] 0 points by unanimous (38) 13 years ago

well then i guess you would be bias to that, but until the USA can fix its problems it can't just open its doors and let in everyone that wants in,,there are no jobs for everyone that are already here so how would 200 million more people be the right thing to do

[-] 1 points by seeker (242) 13 years ago

Fair enough...But they wouldnt let me in the states anyway.

[-] 1 points by otherdreams (34) 13 years ago

I agree with most of these points.. Some of them are even brilliant..

..but the "immediate deportation of illegals" and the stupid "English language" demands are just outrageous.

The only problem with illegal immigrants is that they take money from our 'common pot', theoretically anyway. This is really a fault in our totally broken socialistic programs.

The real motivation behind the attacks on (and prejudice against) illegal immigrants has been fueled by privatized prison lobbying, with the help of the media.


http://www.npr.org/2010/10/28/130833741/prison-economics-help-drive-ariz-immigration-law http://www.npr.org/2010/10/29/130891396/shaping-state-laws-with-little-scrutiny


[-] 1 points by kingscrosssection (314) 13 years ago

I'm sorry but when, in Arizona, the ballots have to be printed in Spanish there is a major problem.

[-] 0 points by unanimous (38) 13 years ago

well i agree with you about the private prison and honestly they should be made illegal and taken and made into rehab and homeless shelters,,as for english englis has always been the language of the country and it can not 10 different languages so no one can communicate to get the word out of injustices for all,,,,

[-] 1 points by Cocreator (306) 13 years ago

General Assembly with Referedums on key issues.

[-] 0 points by unanimous (38) 13 years ago

that would be nice but to busy dancing and beating drums

[-] 1 points by Cocreator (306) 13 years ago

learn to write as you dance

[-] 1 points by Cocreator (306) 13 years ago

Election process is so expensive, We get a fresh face, with fresh lies, about all the fresh things he or she will do when elected.. Upon election,begin the backroom deals,closed door meetings,and general bribing involved, influencing legislation custom made for their handlers..Corporate Rulers..Pushing the Agenda through no questions.. We don't need this process, voting is a bad joke..Money buys the vote,the politician, and debt slavery for the masses..Printing Money from nothing since 1964,backed by no goods and services,flooding markets with worthless paper,manipulating all markets, a convenient front for all nefarious activities behind the scenes..A smoke and mirrors,show to distract everyone while the extortion plays out under their noses..

[-] 0 points by unanimous (38) 13 years ago

thats why if you take away the incentives of being a politician and the idea of lobbiest the process gets clean again,,,Unamimous also realize the federal reserve is a private company and needs to be ended ,,trust me we are with you

[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

You're arguing for both vastly expanding and curtailing government's powers. Please make up your mind.

[-] 0 points by unanimous (38) 13 years ago

the problem isn't the way the government was set up the problem is the way that the people have been brainwashed into thinking that left right exist,,government are part of the solution but not the 2 party system and the jokers that are in office now

[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

I agree government introduces more problems than it solves, but items 2, 3, 5-11 and 13-15 are not going to happen.

[-] -1 points by unanimous (38) 13 years ago

they should happen 100% and this country will never be healed until they do

[-] 1 points by OLLAG (84) 13 years ago

You're a southerner aren't you? some of the terms are good but killing people who don't listen? Harsh/. We need to aid countries sometimes and the leaders of the nation decide that who would stop them from disobeying?

[-] 0 points by unanimous (38) 13 years ago

killing who politicains or people that commit treason thats the only thing they understand and it is the law of the land

[-] 1 points by OLLAG (84) 13 years ago

cruel and unusual punishment could be called were you ordered an execution for someone who has committed what the Constitution considers a small misdemeanor. They then wouldn't die.

[-] 0 points by unanimous (38) 13 years ago

treason is punishable by death go look it up and as from being from the south whatever that has to do with anything you couldn't get much more north than me if you tried

[-] 1 points by bre0001 (50) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

This thing was planned way before you think it was. It didn't just start 2 months ago with a simple protest at Zuccotti Park.

The occupywallst.com (and org) domain was registered on July 14, 2011. A couple of months before the supposed beginning of OWS in September.

Why is that? Because someone or some group planned this whole thing including the web site.

Very curious don't you think? And how quickly was this web site up? Bet it was up before you got to Zuccotti Park. Think you're being played?

Just another little known FACT that has nothing to do with this but just shows you how long ago some things are planned.

The domains - stopobama.com, noobama.com, presidentobama.com were all registered before Jul 15 2004 and are redirected to positive Obama links. They were registered by the same people but are hidden so we can't see who. I'm betting they're Democrats.

Obama wasn't even a senator in 2004, so how did they know? I betting it wasn't just a guess. Obama has been planned for a long time, people just like OWS.

[-] 1 points by otherdreams (34) 13 years ago

This post is very interesting..

I'm sure everyone else will ignore it, but I want to know- Do you have any good reading or links you'd recommend for some insights?

[-] 1 points by Daennera (765) from Griffith, IN 13 years ago

First, futures trading is very very important to keep commodity prices stable and commodity producers (like farmers) with some sort of guarantee that they will be able to sell their goods. Futures are used to hedge against major price fluctuations. If commodities were both priced and sold in the same day, you can't imagine how wild the swings would get.

And you can't regulate how much someone sells their goods for. We're supposed to be working toward a more free market economy, remember? It doesn't matter one bit that the goods you speak of are pharmaceuticals or cars. We don't need any more socialism in our economy. The fact that we regulate utility companies is more than enough to make me vomit. Same for college tuition. Let the market decide the price. Once people stop being complete and utter morons and taking loans for a piece of paper that can't be sold, then you will see prices decrease.

[-] 1 points by nuclearradio (227) 13 years ago

Wait, what OWS member has asked for guns to be taken from citizens?

[-] 0 points by Spankysmojo (849) 13 years ago

It would suit everyone, especially you, that instead of all of your efforts to ruin America you can just go and live in Iran.


[-] 0 points by MedicatedWipes (9) 13 years ago

YOU FORGET the Jews and their influence on our Government.

Unless that influence is broken, no change can or will occur.

[-] 0 points by unanimous (38) 13 years ago

without aid to Israel they will have to start paying for their own country and wars,so that will pretty much wipe out their lobbyest campaigns, ps this has nothing to do with any religion I know you meant Israel

[-] 0 points by MedicatedWipes (9) 13 years ago

Well I see you are indeed IGNORANT.

The Jews are worse than the NAZI !!--let me explain.

The Talmud which the majority of the Jews believe in, says that non-Jews are cattle, further that it is OK to LIE, Cheat, and steal from non-Jews.

And I must say the Jews have followed that advice to the letter here in America.

So how does one deal with a people whose God tells them they are superior to the rest of Humanity?????????????

The situation is worse than the Nazis--who simply had an ideology that was not backed up by religion.

So how do you deal with these Jews????????

I say no dual citizen should Public or Elected office.

[-] 0 points by unanimous (38) 13 years ago

Well since you brought up Israel again I will say that they have committed genocide on the Palestinian people and they should have sanctions against them. This I will agree with,as for the religious rhetoric Unanimous does not care about any religion pro or con just what is right and wrong with this country

[-] 0 points by MedicatedWipes (9) 13 years ago

Then you fail to recognize the power religion holds on people.

And if you fail in this regard you cannot adequately deal with the problem.

[-] 0 points by unanimous (38) 13 years ago

well and you don't realize that you are not part of Unanimous ,religion is a tool to divide nothing more and I am sorry you do not see it for what it is but I wish you luck

[-] 0 points by MedicatedWipes (9) 13 years ago

I agree religion is a tool.

But you must acknowledge, that the Jews have an advantage here.

[-] 0 points by unanimous (38) 13 years ago

Don't see it that way I see that Israel has too much power over the USA and should not dictate to us anything and that we should stop supporting them do to their crimes against palestine


[-] -1 points by MedicatedWipes (9) 13 years ago

Well I see you are indeed IGNORANT.

The Jews are worse than the NAZI !!--let me explain.

The Talmud which the majority of the Jews believe in, says that non-Jews are cattle, further that it is OK to LIE, Cheat, and steal from non-Jews.

And I must say the Jews have followed that advice to the letter here in America.

So how does one deal with a people whose God tells them they are superior to the rest of Humanity?????????????

The situation is worse than the Nazis--who simply had an ideology that was not backed up by religion.

So how do you deal with these Jews????????

I say no dual citizen should hold Public or Elected office.

[-] 1 points by KnaveDave (357) 13 years ago

You need to use a medicated wipe on your mouth.

--Knave Dave

[-] 1 points by kingscrosssection (314) 13 years ago

This is the thinking of any and every religion.