Forum Post: This is a conversation between me and a moderator of this site----
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 1:05 p.m. EST by Thrasymaque1
from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
i said-----------
They want to see the place where, there future freedom began. i think of it as freedom park!
Thrasymaque said------------ I'm going to program something for this site so that your link is never seen here again. Then, I'm going to program a few spam bots to attack your site. I'm going to bed early tonight, and am going to wake up at 7:00 am tomorrow to do this. Your site will be covered in spam. From head to toe. i said------------ I don't think you can- you are powerless- you have no balls- and your threat is as pathetic as you are-- Thrasymaque's delusion---- We are all born sophists, and our only cure is Socrates. But, Socrates never faced Socrates, his sophistry was therefore never expunged. Sophists, like my former self and your current self, only appear as sophists because Socrates shines his light on us, but, as this light is being shun so is our sophistry diminished, until, finally, the day we are fully cleansed. I am no longer the Thrasymaque you once knew. I have died, been washed, and am now reborn. I am the Socrates who has faced Socrates. proof that he is deluted! Thrasymaque is a sophist of ancient Greece originating in Chalcédoine (in Bythinie) [1]. Mario Untersteiner fixes her birth in 459 av. J. - C. One does not know the date of its death but Cicéron says it contemprain of Gorgias Thrasymaque said------------ I'll delete your messages and your account in a few minutes. I said
Awww c'mon U gotta give him credit for the Utube video on the homepage. "Shape of things to come" from "Wild in the Streets," original version:
I listened to and liked that when it first came out on AM radio.
Awww. What's wrong? Did you get your feelings hurt when Thrasy pointed out that your ugly site is ugly? Maybe you should tell your Mommy.
Wow! That kid is like 13 years old or something. Do you think he's getting paid to post those links?
I think he has to spam the link in order to get his allowance for the week.
most forum don't care about people posting links
I don't care about trolls, but I hate spammers.
I'm going to ask jart to redirect his link to:
What I want to implement is a system that identifies links which are posted repeatedly. A mod can then change it up. For example, he could make it point to a competitor, some stupid site, or erase it.
that sound like a good idea
i've already checked out some of your inventory, most of it I had already felt in my heart.