Forum Post: This guy should be terminated; he's threatening violence....
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 2:42 p.m. EST by groobiecat2
from Brattleboro, VT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement threatening to shoot his kid's teacher if he talks to him about homosexuality.
Here's the thread comment and reply:
RetardedProtestor 1 points 3 minutes ago Or just completely fed up with people trying to dictate how I am "supposed to live." I don't watch TV anymore because I am sick of the Gay agenda, the Liberal news and the constant hate talk of Christians. Its in the TV, Radio, advertising. Sick to death of it.. I do not go forcing my religious views, which are not Christian, down anyones throat, I am sick and tired of seeing and hearing it on every freaking channel on TV and movies. I boycotted every company that advertised with Will and Grace, and continue to do so, with all the others. And if for one second you think that shit will happen in my son's school, I will have to be arrested because I will kill that son of a bitch who thinks my 2nd grader needs to know about alternative lifestyles. Only I have the right to teach my child about that.. So sick of all this.. I seriously hope God does come down and do to the world what he did to Sodom and Ghamorrah.. We could use the peace and quite. reply permalink
groobiecat2 (Brattleboro, VT) 1 points 2 minutes ago Um, you're one scary dude, and I'm pretty sure you need some help. I don't think you belong in this movement. You just threatened violence on a public board, whether you know it or not, and not only is that not cool, it's the opposite of what this movement is about. And you could potentially get arrested for this. The Forum needs to terminate your account.
I'm no lawyer, but wondering if #OWS is opening itself up to liability if this nutcase goes and does something violent and nothing was done. If you know anyone in charge of the Forum who can get rid of him and his violent rhetoric, please let them know.
Here's the main thread link:
(here's the screenshot: