Forum Post: This forum is more twitter than a forum
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 11:11 a.m. EST by malikov
from Pasadena, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Whoever controls this site, you gotta do smth about it.
I can put up a message board, like twitter, a forum, whatever you need to clean up the site, but you never respond. has some forums.
the name seems to be held privately
It's Adbusters. I think they made this site, and they should MAKE CATEGORIES AND SEARCH here!
I made a forum at
You can sign in with twitter or open-id.
Suggest categories, I'll make them. Also, suggest OWS people for admins
Agreed. The format of this forum doesn't lend itself to lengthy discussions, but rather short sound bites that quickly get lost in the deluge of other short sound bites.
In other words, it's kind of like being surrounded by a huge, bustling, swarming crowd, while you spin in circles trying to respond before the crowd shifts and you lose contact with the people you were talking to and the topic changes.
And if you want to find an interesting thread from yesterday - there's no way!
Exactly. I think the easiest, quickest fix would be to create various sub-forums (e.g., Protest Tactics, Ideology, Economics, Election 2012, etc.) so that we could slow down the rapid-fire dialogue and allow people to enter into thoughtful discussions.
aka "categories" ;-)
You'll need to break through that ring of bouncers with blue arm bands if you want a response.
My GF is a comm. officer at her union, they have the same problem. Cause they are a "democratic" union every decision must go through everyone. What a pain! There should be some executive committee that makes timely decisions on at-hand issues.