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Forum Post: This doesn't stop at Wall Street, Think IMF, Workd Bank & BIS

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 9:56 p.m. EST by sewen (154)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Congratulation OccupyWallSt.org and everyone who is participating, we needed this! I have been following Wall Street for a while, but I think for a bigger picture Joan Veon’s videos (all 9 parts) details the financial “Take Over” the best: http://goldmanbanksters.com/our-thinking/. She might sound a little conspiratorial, but I think she did her homework and is Right On.



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[-] 1 points by OccupyThinkTank (6) 13 years ago

No, she IS conspiratorial and has no idea what she is talking about. Leave that kind of thinking to the Tea Party and let's focus on what matters -- jobs and justice.

[-] 1 points by sewen (154) 13 years ago

But how can you get Jobs and Justice if we don't have financial controls (something like the Glass-Steagall Act) and financial regulators with teeth that will regulate.

What do we do with "Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission" and the group ALEC... which are corporations who want to write the laws for our legislators?

[-] 1 points by sewen (154) 13 years ago

Thought I would add my Tag line here... this is how I close all my letters: "If you know of any Internet based jobs please let me know. I am one of those "once" middle class, over 60, over educated, under-employed, semi retired, soon to be poor workers, that everyone is talking about".

[-] 1 points by shadow (16) 13 years ago

Read creature from Jekle Island......

[-] 1 points by sewen (154) 13 years ago

Yes, but watch Joan's videos. The Federal Reserve is just one central bank. She talks about the all the worlds central banks and how they are all being manipulated... answering to the BIS.

[-] 1 points by Scout (729) 13 years ago

but you didn't mention the US Federal reserve ? end the Federal reserve and end fractional reserve banking!

[-] 1 points by MJT (138) from Phoenix, AZ 13 years ago

They're all complicit to this problem: good post.