Forum Post: This Country & Our Citizens should have known? Or they chose not to know!
Posted 10 years ago on July 2, 2014, 12:42 p.m. EST by jamespeterevanhoe
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George HW Bush and his created "Society of Deliberate Chaos" ......
Recession # 1 The George HW Bush Recession 1988-91......5 yrs of no growth. And his Savings & Loan Scandal, brought on by Bush-Reagan supporters American Savings & Loan (AS&L), Stockton CA....AS&L which later becomes Washington Mutual...during the G. W. Bush Presidency ...."Like Father Like Son".... but the latter Bush Failure........100 times worse........! FACT
Bush War ................ Iraq War # 1 ( the Gulf War ) leading to another Bush Iraq War # 2, both combined 12 yrs. of war getting the USA no where....and $2 trillion down the drain..........BUT brought about higher oil profits because of both Iraq Wars....profits for the King of Saudi Arabia and Bush & Cheney buddy...Halliburton.
......But!!! one has calculated this: had the Saving & Loan Industry been regulated & managed correctly , thus continued economic financial stability as it should have been and Gov. Officials and the US Military taken care of Iraq before they crossed into Kuwait ...instead of 3 days later... the US Economy would have grown from the $3.4 trillion in debt spending by Reagan to the Tech Boom without a Bush Recession ...which would have grown the Tech Boom at a much more manageable rate....further and wider.
George W. Bush member of the "Society of Deliberate Chaos" when combining the First Bush Recession and failed Iraq War...because it absolutely lead to another Iraq War...which has failed and GW's Recession which is on going today......HAD these Presidents and the Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan and the SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt done their jobs...completely and thoroughly.....there wouldn't have been any large down turns in growth...we would have seen this Country managed as well as the Chinese Economy .... Real Estate to Banking ..... thus growth in the USA would have stayed at 5.5% GDP or greater from 1985 til today 2014.....instead WE the People of the United States of America have been in a "Bush Decline" Economically for 14 years out of the last 30 years.
China...30 straight years of steady growth, well managed, the Government always working to stop Corporate and Military Corruption.
do nothing about Corruption .... now we are absolutely faced with the Greatest Depression... waiting to take place at Our Door Step......!
When will it begin? It already has.