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Forum Post: This Capitalist Republican wants to tax the very rich & Corporations and see most subsidies cut

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 9:12 p.m. EST by ib4freedom (3)
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I have been a republican for 25 years and believe in capitalism. Our society’s Entitlement Mentality and demand for Instant Gratification has been a peeve of mine for quite a few years now. I believe a person should pull his or her own weight and live within their means (if you make $15 an hour, you can’t afford a $300,000 home). The government doesn’t “owe you” a living. Life is not fair – never has been. Mother Nature / Fate / Kismet (tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, blizzards, disease, famine, oil spills….) don’t care if you are rich or poor, black or white, republican or democrat, or who your family is. Most people make good in this world through hard work – the rest from luck or connections – familial, political or criminal.

But I am really angry at Corporate America right now. I had believed the republican theory of giving corporations tax breaks, subsidies, concessions and incentives because “corporations created jobs.” But way too many corporations are like the average greedy “give me everything I want, damn the consequences, I am entitled to my bailout” living beyond our income American. I work for a “mid sized” company that has been in business for many years and wins many accolades, including those for ethics. But now I am wondering why companies like this should be given tax breaks. It’s moved it’s IT department to India, Accounting to the Philippines, and most of its manufacturing to Mexico, China, Korea, and Slovenia. Most people hired here in the US are hired as temps – no benefits. But the CEO’s compensation tripled last year and doubled this year. He is up to $8 million now. “Oh, but this wonderful company gives a lot to the community.” How about giving people jobs and benefits so they don’t need your charity – which you write off anyway? Quality is going down, attrition and hiring freezes cause workers to do the work of two or three people, and the average worker gets little or no pay increase. Every action is planned with the immediate bottom line in mind – short term profit. My colleagues and I are so stressed, tired, frustrated and burned out but no one wants to speak up for fear of losing their jobs and benefits.

Much of the company’s profit is from smoke & mirrors – currency exchange and acquisitions – not product or services. It reminds me of the 80s leveraged buy outs – buy a company you know nothing about, rape its resources and sell it for a profit – devastating hundreds of businesses and thousands of workers – just by signing papers – no work, no ingenuity, no innovation, no product or service. Although some, especially the Gordon Gekkos of the world, would argue that the LBO concept itself is a work of ingenuity. Clearly, ingenuity is not always good.

My company has over $500 Million just sitting in the bank – not circulating in the economy. If they hired more people and paid workers more or gave them full benefits, their workers would be spending more money – which grows the economy. The more goods and services purchased by the extra workers or existing workers with more money, the more other companies grow, producing still more jobs and disposable income. This is what fueled America’s economy over the last 50 years.

I thought the media fervor about the fiscal irresponsibility of corporations like Enron, Halliburton, Nortel, Arthur Andersen, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, and WorldCom would make corporations shy away from bad behavior. Why should oil companies like Exxon, making BILLIONS of Dollars PROFIT every THREE MONTHS qualify for tax breaks or subsidies at all??

I don’t have answers on how to fix this – but great change is desperately needed. This country’s politics, economy and moral compass is spinning wildly out of control. Change, in the form of ethics, hard work, and fiscal responsibility is urgently needed to prevent this country from total collapse. How can our protests bring about this change?



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[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

I agree with you on this - why is it that Republicans rail against welfare but they are all for corporate welfare?

As for bad behavior, there is no reason for people to shy away from it, because no one since Enron has even done the perp walk besides Bernie Madoff. We have morphed into a corporate culture where the more corruption and profit there is, the better. And the more bailouts they already have lined up to put their losses on to taxpayers, the less incentive to run any kind of sound business. All the more incentive to gobble up toxic derivatives - this week alone BofA got a multi-trillion dollar bailout secured! It's unbelievable.

I guarantee the first few CEOs to go to jail for this would be a huge deterrent to the rest.

I used to be a republican until they all jumped on to the neocon bandwagon. It has become clear that our aggressive foreign policy is both bankrupting the country and fomenting hatred and resentment towards the U.S. The wars we are involved in are none of our business, and their rationale of nation building and supporting democracy holds no water at this point.

[-] 1 points by AmericanRedWhiteBlue (126) 13 years ago

Capitalism is a fabric for the medium of exchange (money) within our social society. Capitalism is less than the people in society.

Capitalism exists to serve ALL the people in society. When capitalism fails to serve all the people in the society (aka U.S. in my case), it needs corrected.

Capitalists rely on our social fabric (aka Legal System) to enforce their exploitive contracts and enforce crony-capitalist bought legal requirements! I agree- let's have a capitalist system where, if Aunt May fails to pay her mortgage, the bank can't evict her legally (the law does not interfere with the capitalist system, right?)

Banks will be forced to perform better credit analysis when giving out loans.

I agree, let's have a social system where banks can't get bailouts! If the banks fail, then they fail!!!

You know who will disagree with our plan? The FAKE, crony-capitalists who, in collusion with corrupt government officials, run our great country and destroy the American dream for the 99%.

Its about power, not capitalism. The folks in power, use their influence to maintain power (in this case the folks in power are the banks, so they want to maintain a system (capitalism) that benefits them, at the expense of the 99%.)

You think they care about us? They laugh at us!!

[-] 1 points by gestopomilly (497) 13 years ago

The idea of the banks recovering the loss thru selling the property is, at this time, ludicrous

Idea: Banks should be required to ' Suspend' payments and interest accumulation if a person loses their job during an 'economic downturn' until that person finds a comparable paying job or until the national unemployment rate is less than 5%.

this would force corporations to create jobs in America in order to save the banks

[-] 1 points by LSN45 (535) 13 years ago

I'm like you - I have deep "conservative" roots and I know others like me. To assume that this is just a "liberal" protest would be a big mistake. Forget the right vs. left labels - they are a distraction from the real rip-off that is going on. I believe what we need is REAL capitalism, not the corporate socialism / neo-feudalism we have now. For decades now both the right and the left have been bought and paid for by the corporations and special interests. They have corrupted our political process through campaign donations and paid lobbyists - a cycle which with every passing year strengthens the grip of the rich and powerful by increasing their ability to influence our laws and policies in their favor at the expense of the everyday American citizen. What we need to do is GET THE MONEY OUT OF THE EQUATION. WE NEED REAL, LOOP-HOLE FREE CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM. This could come as a result of many different things that you can read about on the different posts (I really like the idea of public financing of campaigns and banning paid lobbyists). Wouldn't it be neat to have companies rise and fall based on the value they bring to the American public, rather than based on how many politicians they can bribe? Imagine - an America where our children's vote is not nullified by some special interest using their money to "speak" as if they represent millions of Americans. THE main goal of these protest needs to be GETTING THE MONEY OUT. Once this happens other meaningful reforms have a chance of happening.

[-] 1 points by ib4freedom (3) 13 years ago

Thank you for your thought provoking reply LSN45.
I have been so focused on the negativity of my current state - our economic and political quagmire and I've come to hate my job and despise my employer [a good private company for 100 years until about 4 years ago when we became a large multinational corporation where upper management got exponentially richer (the 1%ers) and the 99% of us worker bees stagnated financially and are being pressed to do so much more with so much less, and those hired in the last few years make significantly less as a whole. The sharp decrease in ethics, quality and fairness has made me physically and emotionally ill]

I had long given up on the idea that US politics could be “fixed” and at first I didn’t take the Occupy Wall Street movement seriously. I hadn't heard any good, viable solutions for the situation. But you are so right – getting money totally out of politics would drastically level the playing field and prevent a lot of unethical, economy damaging behavior. Your commentary was positively illuminating. I now have a new hobby – to do what I can to bring about campaign finance reform.

[-] 1 points by LSN45 (535) 13 years ago

Thanks - spread the word!!! There are a lot of people just like us. I find it interesting when I talk to people at work about the protests, many of them make fun of it and then with their next breath (literally) they say they wish their son or daughter could get a job and move out of their basement. They do not see the connection or realize that, for the sake of their our children's future, we need to get the influence of the money out and take back our political system. If we don't they will continue treating the American public like an ATM, and it will only get worse. When I explain this, almost everyone I talk to agrees. This needs to be THE main goal of the protests!!!

[-] 1 points by looselyhuman (3117) 13 years ago

As an old-school liberal, I'm glad you're here.

[-] 1 points by ib4freedom (3) 13 years ago

It's good to be here.