Forum Post: this board used to move so fast
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 10, 2012, 2:53 p.m. EST by onepercentguy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
like the whole front page had threads made in the past 2-4 minutes.
now? 1-2 hours.
yep. movement's dead.
This forum is absolutely no indicator of the health of OWS. Half of its participants are hostile to OWS after all. Most of the other half are mere "supporters" of OWS, not serious OWS activists. If this board is less active than it used to be it could be because many of its participants have stopped being dilletantes and become seriously active in the movment. If that is the case they would have little time to kibbitz on a pointless forum like this.
There are alot of posts that are deleted immediately. Simply because they have a dissenting view
Yes because they are banning lots of people and shutting many threads down.
really? who are they banning?
So, now it's so half assed?
You're definitely not in the 1%.
debateable. annual income is a little over 500k, but assets are a bit low.
Not even debatable.
Who the hell would judge the movement as a whole based on this forum? That was the giveaway. ;)
someone like me, of course :P
You're not even in the 1%. Not at what you are saying you make.
On the interwebs anybody can be one percenters.....
Yup on the innit we all can be rich filthy rich without being hypnotized into believing so.
That was too funny.
I know I'm showing my age posting Bugs, but those cartoons seems to preach what has been lost in today's society, greed and selfishness is nothing to be proud of.
No, it is not anything to be proud of.
I am not the one that made the claim, dingleberry.