Forum Post: This aint rock and roll. This is genocide. Happy Birthday Ziggy Stardust !
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 7, 2012, 11 a.m. EST by LaraLittletree
from Scarsdale, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
All the best to Bowie. 65 on 1/5/12.
I grew up adoring this dude as he somehow managed to make the dreary climate of the 1970's so much more thrilling. Oh how I awaited each new release.
I frequently return to his 70's-albums, when all else fails. Despite making some of the worst turkeys ever issued by a major artist I can't seem to let go. Or whatever. ...I adore Bob Dylan too. Actually he is my favorite...He is a real American treasure...Bowie is British, but we'll forgive him for that.
go david bowie,,,,, we love you Love you David !! Rock on