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Forum Post: Thirty-two years ago today (10/29/79) over 1000 people were arrested at Wall Street

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 29, 2011, 7:41 a.m. EST by RennyCushing (0)
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Today marks the 32nd anniversary of the 1979 nonviolent occupation of Wall Street organized by members of the Clamshell Alliance and other allies under the banner of The Manhattan Project. Over 1000 people were arrested that day for working for an end to nuclear investments and to fund human needs. In a real sense those who Occupy Wall Street today are, in part. heirs to the legacy of that 1979 Occupation.

1979 Wall St. Occupation www.youtube.com This is a short clip from the film "Early Warnings" that details the sit-in that happened on Wall Street on the 50th Anniversary of the 1929 Stock Market Cra...



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