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Forum Post: Third Draft of Policy Initiatives (give feedback)

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 3:41 a.m. EST by Cicero (407)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

  1. LIBERTY: Return to American’s their liberties, reinstate Posse Comitatus Act to its original form and Repeal the Patriot Act

  2. REFORM: The tax structure, the banking industry and campaign finance. Corporations are not individuals thus don’t have the same rights as individuals. NO MORE QUANTITATIVE EASING

  3. RELIEF: Ensure that College Graduates who are unemployed can continue deferring their student loans. Extend unemployment benefits for six more months once they expire. (perhaps further if the economy warrants it). Allow people who are "upside down" in their mortgage to refinance at the current value of their home.

  4. RECOVERY: Pass a Jobs bill to get Americans back to work. Institute an ad valorem (VAT) tax on all non-American manufactured goods (even 1 or 2% would raise revenue and help American companies be more competitive domestically). Fossil fuels are non-renewable, as such we need to invest in renewable energy sources. China is taking the lead on this (Three Gorges Dam, they have the worlds most advanced solar panel factory) and it is a disgrace. We need a real plan to invest in renewable energy.



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[-] 1 points by Dontbedaft (155) 13 years ago

Started off good. First two points are good. 3 and 4 are fails.