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Forum Post: Thinkbook the 'wind of change' #3

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 11:30 a.m. EST by MRM (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

This is what I 'think' to be the main points to consider for a 'change'… My post is composed of six points. Here the 5&6/6.

  1. Press Press liberty should be protected form corporate ownership. Corporate sakes of ownership in press and media firms should be placed under a regulation forbidding ownership concentration. Why we accept a largely diffused corporate ownership for firms without any direct impact on the way political and economic system works and let media and press companies be largely concentrated in the hands of blocks of control, with the interests and hidden agenda are unknown for main-street.

  2. Energy Alternative energy resources exist. All fossil-based fuels are not a real alternative to crude oil. Fuel-based electricity is just a repackaging of primitive fuel energy. Nuclear platforms are not a solution because of the high pollution risk they involve. The only alternative energy is the one that nearly costs as fuels and nuclear in terms of dollars and has lower negative impact on environment, while produce enough energy to meet the essential needs of our modern societies. Why a question so important to our lives, so critical for the future generations, so impacting for the environment is left outside the power of government. Why such a crucial question that the only that matters in fact -besides access to water- is reduced to a simple plan of war/aggression to control remaining fuels resources.

Bon courage chers amis!



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