Forum Post: Thinkbook the 'wind of change' #2
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 11:17 a.m. EST by MRM
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This is what I 'think' to be the main points to consider for a 'change'… My post is composed of six points. Here the 3&4/6.
Job market The way people can get compensated for the prosperity and right to the dream that has been stolen form them during the last two decades is only one. No money-back option is possible, no longer apologises are possible. Change the job environment: reduce working week by one day to let people compensate by higher life quality because no dollars can be refunded to the stolen lives. This also will help jobs creation while reducing the dose of stress to which people are exposed in their work without any need in fact. No corporation needs 5 days of intense work. They do it to maximise their profits and push further targets without being forced to recruit to meet these wall-street fixed targets.
Debt There is a famous adage in the baking world which roughly says: «when you control debt, you control everything». Access to debt, mortgages or consumption debt, must be under law rules. Forbid banks to maintain their system of debt spreading that will end up by a world where everybody wakes up in the morning and go to work to repay contracted debt used for bubble-pricy house or planned-obsolescence engines/electronic toys. When everybody owes its life quality to banks, these become the governors of our world because government gets its power in the taxes it collects. When people are loaded by debt, they either default or if they are lucky they slow-down their consumption. Banks reduce then the debit of credit flow, while surviving the downturn by collecting the amount of interests on outstanding debt; this until the new cohort of young people enter the scene, i.e. enter the consumer market (which provides banks a new breath to aspire). During this process, no jobs are created because consumption slows and then no new taxes are created which reduce the power of governments. This is what economists call it in different way recession & growth cycles. When things get worst in downturns cycles, what they do: they print money (see point 1) to let the system alive (at the cost of inflated cost of living) until hunting the next cohort of young people. By controlling debt you control the power of banks, so you keep rights and democracy –the real ones- alive.
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