Forum Post: think before we sink
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 1:18 a.m. EST by clay1969
from Katy, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Occupy THIS statement and stop whining, 70 hour work weeks make most millionares. They never slow down, want things handed to them.
In my opinion, we need to export more than we import, do away with income tax, property tax, and school taxes. Keep state sales tax if your state has it, and have a 10% use tax on everything anyone buys. Deport anyone that is in our prisons and not a citizen of the USA. Scrap the healthcare bill and have a plan that works replace it. Bring 80% of the troops home to protect our borders, airports, and coasts. Give super support to the 20% of our troops in the sandbox and around the globe, while they slowly turn over the countries to the people there, or do their jobs in the world. Cut the 35% corperate tax, get rid of some of the EPA rules and regs that prohibit factories from being even considered in the USA. Prosecute some of the politicians and bankers who sold us down the river in too many ways to name them all. From wars to terrorist plots, to race cards, and now class wars. Give it up people see through the distractions. Do something besides try and throw blame on everyone. Prosecute all inside traders, manipulaters, and con-artists, algorythims and quantitative easing that make trades today so crazy. The sooner people wake up to the fact that Banks, and Corperations run more of our country than politicians do the better. All Politicians need to be for the people, but it has become twisted and they line their pockets while they are in other pockets. They represent the rot we see in America now. Get rid of lobby scum that line their pockets. Cutting deals at our expense. Cut all their pay in half, benifits in half, and see who stays in Washington for the people..
Also have more checks and balances for the systems we have in place. Welfare, Medicaid, and Medicare, Unemployment benifits, and any handouts paid for by taxes are necessary. The system is abused all the way around. Make what we have work, and the 10% use tax will cover it easily. Every thing you buy .10 goes to fund needed programs.
Then and only then will we start to fix what is broke. Because policies in place now are a joke. How can you grow as a nation if policies and taxes stunt your growth? We need policies that encourage new ideas, technology, and services. So people can work hard save and get ahead. No big government, no programs, no status quo. We need the freedom to grow.
Still the best country in the world, but not for long at the rate we are going. We need a leader who will get past the race, creed, religion, and status quo of rot, that will turn the rot into fertilizer for this rich country and planet.