Forum Post: think about this
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 23, 2012, 12:06 a.m. EST by jbob
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
lets look at one of the "demands" of the occupy movement, taxing corporations heavily. lets just think for a second that what you guys are talking about was implemented 20 or 30 years ago. now lets think about how many businesses started in that time period. notably microsoft, intel and apple. now think about how much this influences on a day to day basis.chances are you using or more of these companies products right now as you read this post. now if there was as much taxation as you are implying there should be, we would not have the technology that we have today. those companies would be forced not to hire the best of the best for their engineers, and other positions that need intelligent people to create new technology. we would be so far behind it would be unbelievable.
I guess the point of this post is not to state facts but to state common sense. if you overly tax a company it will hinder growth and in its wake will hinder job creation and technology growth.
Seems out of context. Does microsoft use components made in America? Does it even assemble any computers any more?
From windoze 98 to Vista, users had more problems than users of freeware. Not to be forgetting that MS was taken to court over its attempts to firewall other software manufacturers, and then forced to pay buyers of MS software in vouchers so they could buy non MS software.
Market manipulation and market stimulation are not the same thing, my friend.
i take it you have an apple. i guess there is no more research and developement, which is what i was talking about, going on by americans any more. and dont call me a friend. i am the furthest thing from it.
Windoze 7 here. I've had every MS product since 95. Friend.
i was talking about the technology.
You mean the think-tank side of things?
Still plenty of profit available to fund some thinking in the US of A.
I don't recall anyone proposing heavy corporate taxation. I just want to see fair taxation. What we have now is a giveaway to big corporations. For example, Citizens for Tax Justice reports that 12 Fortune 500 companies reported $175 billion in pretax U.S. profits. But as a group, their federal income taxes were negative: –$2.4 billion. That is an outrage.
would you agree that raising taxes would deter a company from expanding?
I think that would be on a case by case basis. A company that has the money to expand and thinks it would profit by expansion, would not be dissuaded by higher taxes. So long as there is profit to be made, they will do so even at higher taxes. It is primarily the huge corporations which are getting the tax giveaways. I don't think they need incentive.
There are other companies which may not have the capital to expand without tax breaks. I favor tax incentives for small, start up companies.
Would you agree that Fortune 500 companies making huge profits should actually be paying some taxes?
Doesn't anybody realize that taxes are a part of cost-of-goods sold? Higher taxes will only result in higher prices.
OVERLY TAX? It would be an accomplishment just to get them to pay ANY taxes!!
REVEALED: The 30 American Companies That Paid Less Than $0 In Income Tax Over The Last 3 Years
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Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains.
~Thomas Jefferson~
OWS = neo-Luddites.
if this is true OWS = anti-americans, that dont care if we are farther behind than other countries.