Forum Post: Things you can do (pt 1)
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 3, 2011, 8:41 p.m. EST by jimmycrackerson
from Blackfoot, ID
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Sorry to make this so long by re-posting the demands, but i'm too lazy right now search through all the threads and find a link. I've copy-and pasted the demands to any word-processor and printed them out on paper. By changing to font size to 10, or even 8 point and then changing the spacing, and margin properties, the demands will only take 1 sheet of paper, using the front and back. Print out a bunch of these and pass them around to locals. Be creative and make them colorful if you have the skills to so. Even using colored pencils and sharpies to make cool looking borders; the possibilities are endless. Pin them down on peoples cars using windshield wipers, or door handles while you're out getting your loved ones Christmas gifts. Tape them or pin them nearby the 'missing' sings at your supermarkets. People will read these, and unless they share the same selfish ideals as the 1%, they will most probably agree with a lot of them.
1) The Minimum Wage - Increase it to restore it's original purchasing power - $20.00/hour(a) 2) Eliminate The Poverty Level - Establish a real living wage for everyone by removing the premise that some people must live in poverty even if they work. 3) A Natl Labor Relations Board - Staff it with real (nationally elected every 4 years), working people, employment attorneys who represent them, and labor rights activists. 4) Repeal The Taft Hartley Act - Unions must have the right to strike at all times. 5) Worker Taxation - The removal of ALL taxes on worker pay less than $60,000 a year [(as it was when the Federal Personal Income Tax was first implemented in 1921 ($3K in 1921 dollars)]. 6) Health Care - Expand Medicare to create a Public Option/Single Payer system and remove the profit motive from this basic human right. 7) Rebuild the Social Safety Net - All public programs, private-public partnerships, etc. that promote the general welfare must be sufficiently funded to perform their mandate. 8) Insurance & Benefits - Let all businesses of any size create and participate in their own benefit programs with pre-tax income. 9) Credit Cards - Restore the 11% Usury Cap on Credit Card Interest. 10) Rental Tax Deduction - Restore the "Renter's Tax Credit" that existed to balance out the homeowner's mortgage interest deduction. 11) Cease all military (and other forms) of foreign intervention by the US Government on behalf of US corporate and general business interests. 12) Stop all foreclosures and return property to those who were victims of mortgage fraud or illegal seizures and eviction offenses. 13) Publicly funded elections at every single level of government. 14) A national communication forum/system (as an alternative to our failed media industry) that includes an internet discussion clearinghouse on broad based referendums, televised discussions for policymakers to field questions from average people. 15) Term Limits - Let voters decide by referendum what term limits should be for every elected and appointed public and judicial office. 16) Judicial System Funding - Restore it to levels where the Rule of Law can exist in the US again. 17) Department of Justice - Start prosecuting those who have broken the law. The list grows longer every day and it must include those who have committed felonies by covering up the illegal acts of others. 18) Supreme Court Conflicts of Interest - An independent judicial auditor must conduct a review of each justice on the Supreme Court. Recommendations for impeachment should follow any conflicts of interest that are surfaced. 19) Civil & Voter Rights - Restore and rebuild the regulations that preserve these fundamental concepts that make up the basis for life in the United States by rescinding all legislation that would seek to control the US population in ways that defy the Constitution. 20) Repeal The Patriot Act, The Military Commissions Act - And any other legislation that infringes on the basic civil rights of Americans. 21) US Voting Processes - Design new transparent systems with a panel of computer scientists using open-source software that cannot be hacked or manipulated. Begin the evolution of a national on-line voting system. Remind Congress that their role could be greatly reduced if citizens voted directly on legislation instead of them. 22) Campaign Finance & Conduct - Eliminate private campaign funding. TV ad time must be equal for all candidates. Rule breakers will forfeit their candidacy. 23) 9/11 Investigation - Remedy the failed 9/11 Commission with a real investigation that includes subpoena powers and independent media coverage of the on-going investigation. 24) Congress will receive merit pay based on weighted metrics: 1) # of successful bills authored, 2) # of legislative efforts participated in, 3) Constituent Customer Satisfaction Surveys, 4) Penalties for failure to satisfactorily resolve constituent casework, ... (suggestions welcome:) 25) Congressional Health Care - Congress will utilize the VA system for their healthcare benefits. 26) Congressional Committee Assignments - NO more selling committee seats. Redefine the committee assignment process to eliminate cronyism and seniority dependent allocation. 27) Corporate Taxation - Corporate tax levels will be restored to 1950 levels: an effective rate of 52% of net revenue assessed in 1950 --> when there was no crisis. 28) Personal Federal Taxation on Hedge Fund Managers - Removal of the 15% Capital Gains Rate cap on all earnings by hedge fund managers. They are working people so they can pay their fair share. 29) Corporations are NOT People - A constitutional amendment must be passed to forever prevent corporations from manipulating any US governmental and/or judicial systems to acquire the rights of human beings. 30) Corporate Tax Avoidance - Removal of ALL corporate tax avoidance loopholes and off-shoring of income by subsidiaries (IRS Letters, re-domiciling, off-shore accounts, etc.). 31) Executive Pay/Severance & Eliminate All Bonuses - Eliminate all bonuses and cap executive pay for any organizations that accept US taxpayer funding entirely or in part.
please stop using term "demands" and regear your thinking and wording to "goals" or etc. The elites will be happy to wipe their bums with a list of demands, demands makes us sound like terrorists, demands is negative energy negative term, goals, objectives, ideals, axioms... there must be a word you could be happier with than "demands." please, thank you.
Understood. Thanks very much for your input.
I think using 'goals' or 'proposals' are much sweeter terms if we want to get sheeple's attention. But it's getting to the point where if no one is going to pass any legislation catering to these goals, and proposals then 'demands' are going to need to be very a necessary reality.
lets just have a goal, and work on that goal in every way possible, until we have a research report on it twenty pages long, a discussion a thousand pages long, report backs from 20 GAs on the subject, and so forth.. And THEN, maybe write some new laws, and then maybe some political platform position papers for the movement... and THEN.. assuming we formed a coalition of 70 percent and they rig the election anyhow... THEN... we would have our affairs in order to make very well thought out and detailed "demands".
I don't think MORE laws are the answer to this problem. This system is broken beyond repair and needs to be replaced immediately. I really cannot express how urgent these matters are. What we're discussing here concerns the future of civilization and all life as we know it.
definitely have to remove 100 laws or so for every new one we put in.
That has to be thoughtful and surgical, tho, not anarchistic.
the point is not to write a law. the point is as a group to really work the problems and come up with real solutions.
writing laws is merely one thing that could happen after.
removing old laws is another, i rather think there are a very lot of bad laws. a good law will be short, single purposed, enforceable and in the public interest to enforce.
That is so true. Most people aren't even educated in half of the laws that have been dumped America upon in the past 100 or so years. I don't think anybody really wants to waste time reading 40 pages of nonsensical literature with loopholes, back-doors, and trapped-doors that only serve to benefit only a few elite people.
(and by elite I mean selfish, evil, shit-brained people who care about nothing other than themselves. I believe eventually they will all wind up stabbing each other in the back in the end; but not before mass genocide of the human species, and pretty much all other species for that matter.)
Target WS. Expose corporate crimes, collect and compile evidence. Expose lobby crimes. Contribute to sourcewatch.
Thank you!