Forum Post: Things To Think About To Win The Battle
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 12:56 p.m. EST by fedupjeff
from Toronto, ON
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
So where are all these steps heading? I assume most agree there is no doubt the collapse of the dollar as the worlds reserve currency is in our future, but the question I have is before they allow that to take place will they create a world war? The whole world system is setup on debt money that is idolatry money, call/see it as you want, but it’s causing the constantly repeating cycle that gets worse with each generation until the cycle re-starts post every major war. Debt is actually part of what controls morality by keeping unrestored balance! I try everyday to see further through the smoke!!! The Obama admin role in Occupy Wall Street is a classic move right out of the Hitler play book. On the surface it’s the unions funded by Adbusters Vancouver, British Columbia, and George soros is funding asbusters not to mention the communist party USA. Their next goal is to bring down the U.S. financial system. The final end goal is a final push for socialism to eliminate capitalism in the western world. Those uncovered emails and documents showing the real powers behind Occupy Wall Street is a collection of anarchists, socialists, labor unions, and foreign terrorists – all of whom are currently being supported by those in the Democratic Party. Behind all of that smoke is the same cartel that killed Kennedy, they have controlled every president since and now OWN wall street, the same ones that also backed Lenin, Stalin, Hitler & now today back Obama. Many cannot connect the dots because they dont know history so I recommend they watch this:
Cronyism in Washington whether from the left or right is the enemy to the people that is destroying our country. The only planned goal from Obama UP the chain of command is to come out of occupy Wall Street riots with martial law to initiate the next step to make Obama Dictator. These people today protesting don’t even realize they are also being used as foot soldiers of who they despise the most & of Communism. It took decades to confuse them through media, US dept of ED, hollywood & it is likely they are too deeply misguided to figure it out until it's too late. The whole Wall Street protest movement is just another sign so many people are in the transition of awakening to political reality. Many still at the stage of blaming Democrats, or Republicans, Obama, Bush or ANYONE with money, proving they are still missing the big picture that most of the US govt is run by, bought & paid for by the people who have amassed most of the wealth as the Top 1% of the U.S. population. Corrupt politicians representing their backers, NOT voters is the reality & they pass legislation that not only gives the super rich every advantage, but also free money through Quantitative Easing/Bailouts, not to mention zero accountability in the design. In addition, they own/control the mainstream media leaving the majority in America divided focusing their energies on decoys & partisan smokescreens.
Our thoughts & ideas as conservatives & liberals as separate is simply history repeating itself, its all by design for the sheeple. Its as visible in today's events as in how history clearly proscribes the ruling class thought it was their eminent destiny to rule the world, & today still use propaganda to narrow any message for the people to fit their now growing centralized global objectives. At least the ones that have taken the streets in protest on wall street are not complicit, just misguided/confused but unfortunately are assisting the communist plan America was warned about in the 1960s! The 0.1% are getting everything in place and when they do the Chinese, Japanese, Saudis & Europe will all dump their trillions at the same time causing mega hyperinflation. On one hand I am convinced we are in for one hell of a battle. Just like Hitler Obama & those backing him would rather see America destroyed to a medieval level before giving up power, all because the necessities of preserving America are irrelevant to their goal! But I still think we the people can win this battle, we have one more chance in 2012, Europe doesn't. I want to see hundreds in this govt tried for treason. But also I should enjoy my time now, because at some point on the road to victory I may go down during the battle, or end up in a FEMA camp detained for high treason guilty for wanting to end the Federal Reserve & re-instate OUR Constitution!