Forum Post: Things People Said
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 3, 2011, 2:34 p.m. EST by pandoras
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
“The rating agencies are just lying in wait to see who they can downgrade to make up for their past mistakes.”
“If you see what some of the banks are now running in their war rooms, it’s really, really scary.”
“The Minsky moment for banking has arrived.”
Focus on WallSt. Don't get distracted. Enter the war rooms. Find out the truth.
The rating agencies are kind of part of Wall Street too?
Yes, yes they are. They are charged for rating debt by underwriting agencies.
During the subprime bubble that duty was for hire, if you wanted a junk bond rated Aaa you paid more(bribe).
Now that they are under investigation for fraud, they 'decided' US debt was 'risky'
Rating agencies used to be run by people of integrity 20 years ago, and were the 'backbone' of confidence in the system.
like too many other corps, they are of the crook, for the crook, by the crook.
That was rhetorical, but thanks.
WallStreet-Pedia for all entities. Do you know
I'd like to see a rating for businesses highest salary to lowest ratio. One for 40/1; 2 for 30/1 and 3 for 20/1. Then people could chose from whom to buy depending on the ratio -- the lower the better...
The rating agencies actually do more important things than that (and not doing them very well):