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Forum Post: Things on My mind might be a waste of time. . . . .for some

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 12:06 p.m. EST by Freedomrider (0) from Baltimore, MD
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

with blood running down my face and red eyes set ablaze from mace the only thing i can taste is pollution can we comprehend evolution no need to pretend You Can't wait for this to end on the edge of your seat waiting for it to begin it seams to start up again and again to bring things to and end but it never begins. . . . to end, and If ur there my friend your near the cusp of evoking revolution with a non violent solution i know this is confusion so ill bring it to a conclusion make a change for the Workers & students there must be a prophecy for the #osw movement http://soundcloud.com/aww-da-vision



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